General Terms of Participation in Events Organized by DeoLink

Last updated: 9th of April, 2024



These „General Terms of Participation in Events Organized by DeoLink” (hereinafter: General Terms) define the rules of the agreement concluded with a person participating in a given Event.



Terms written in capital letters used in the General Terms mean:

  • Organizer – DeoLink, a registered association headquartered in Wisla (43-460), Malinka 65D/2, KRS (Court registration number) 0000160777. DeoLink is a interdenominational Christian organization collaborating with churches and organizations whose goal is to bring the gospel closer to people.
  • Event – a conference, camp, training, workshop, or other meeting format organized by the Organizer, which requires the participant’s name registration, regardless of whether participation in the Event is paid or free.
  • Contractual Service – activities provided to the Participant as part of participation in the Event – on the terms specified in these General Terms.
  • Participant – a natural person registered (enrolled) for the Event. Minor participants are registered by parents/legal guardians.
  • Volunteer – a natural person who, as part of the preparation and implementation of the Event, voluntarily and without remuneration performs services for the Organizer on the terms specified in the Act of April 24, 2003, on public benefit activities and volunteering (i.e., Polish Journal of Laws of 2018, item 450, as amended).
  • Registration System – functionality provided on the website related to the Event enabling the registration (sign-up) process of participants for the Event.
  • User – any person using the Registration System to sign up for the Event.
  • Conclusion of a participation agreement in the Event – the moment the Organizer delivers to the User, at the email address provided during registration, confirmation that the registration has been accepted, and attendance at the Event has been approved.
  • Privacy Policy – applicable rules for handling personal data of users of services administered by the Organizer, available at
  • Terms of Service – terms of service of websites administered by the Organizer, available at



  1. To participate in the Event, one must:
    • register for participation via the Registration System
    • for paid Events – pay the fee in the amount and on the terms indicated separately for each Event in the Registration System.
  2. Registration for participation in Events is only possible online through the Registration System.
  3. Technical requirements related to the use of the Registration System do not differ from the technical requirements for using the Internet. The User must have a computer with Internet access and software enabling browsing its resources.
  4. The scope of the Registration System includes storing in the database the registration of the User and/or persons registered by them, as well as handling this registration by the Organizer.
  5. Registration for participation lasts until the allocation of places is exhausted, but no later than the date specified by the Organizer, as notified in the Registration System and/or on the Event’s website – if such a page has been launched.
  6. To complete the registration process in the Registration System, the User is obliged to fill in all fields marked with an asterisk (*).
  7. The User guarantees that all data provided in the Registration System is correct.
  8. Completing the registration process requires the User to declare that they have read and accepted the content of the General Terms, including the acceptance of processing personal data for the purposes related to the implementation of the Contractual Service.
  9. After successful registration, a confirmation message confirming receipt of the registration and conclusion of a participation agreement in the Event will be sent to the email address provided in the registration form.
  10. The number of places for participation in the Event is limited. In special cases, the Organizer reserves the right to qualify Participants to participate in the Event according to a key other than the order of applications.



  1. The Organizer makes every effort to ensure the implementation of the Contractual Service in accordance with the description of the Event placed in the Registration System and/or on the Event’s website (if such a page has been launched).
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to change the date of the Event for reasons beyond its control. In such a case, resignation from participation in the Event can be made free of charge. At the same time, the Organizer does not cover additional costs incurred by the Participant in connection with the Event.
  3. . The Organizer reserves the right to change speakers and/or the program when it arises from reasons beyond its control. In such a case, the Participant is not entitled to compensation from the Organizer.
  4. The Organizer undertakes to use the personal data provided by the User only for the purposes and in accordance with the principles specified in a separate point of these General Terms.
  5. The Organizer is not responsible for cases of unavailability of the Registration Service arising from a failure of the telecommunication system and for other consequences of the defective operation of telecommunication links and damages caused by them.
  6. . The Organizer is not liable for the property of Participants, which may be lost, destroyed, or stolen during the Event.



  1. . The Participant has the right to participate in all points of the program of the given Event and to use additional services provided or made available by the administrator of the facility where the Event takes place.
  2. During Events, the Organizer strives to provide a pleasant and courteous atmosphere, therefore, all Participants are obliged to:
    • refrain from actions that may hinder or disrupt the functioning of the Event, especially those that may hinder the use of the Event by other Participants;
    • refrain from actions that may violate the privacy of other Participants, especially collecting, processing, and disseminating information about other Participants without their explicit consent;
    • refrain from actions that may damage the reputation of the Organizer and entities cooperating with it;
    • comply with the law, principles of social coexistence, and good manners;
    • comply with all specific rules or Terms of Service specified for the given Event;
    • refrain from consuming alcohol and possessing and using any psychoactive substances;
  3. Participants are fully financially liable for any damages caused by themselves, both on the premises where any activities related to the Event are carried out and in accommodation places.
  4. During the Event, the Participant is obliged to comply with any orders issued by the Organizer and persons representing it, including Volunteers. This applies in particular to the prohibition of recording images, sound, and/or photographing the speeches of speakers
  5. Participants are obliged to comply with the Terms of Service in force on the premises of the facility where the Event is organized, including in particular safety rules, OHS and fire safety provisions.
  6. The Participant acknowledges that any events and incidents violating the provisions of the General Terms may be the basis for the Organizer to refuse the Participant the right to participate in the Event and to request the Participant to leave the place of the Event or the premises of the facility where the Event is organized, without compensation and refund of costs associated with participation in the Event.



  1. The personal data of Participants and Volunteers are processed in accordance with the rules specified below, without prejudice to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service applicable within all activities of the Organizer.
  2. In compliance with the provisions of Article 13(1) and (2) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as: Regulation 2016/679), the Organizer informs as follows:
    • The Controller of the Participant’s personal data is the DeoLink Association with its registered office in Wisla (43-460), at Malinka 65D/2 (hereinafter referred to as: Data Controller).
    • The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at the email address: or by sending correspondence to the Data Controller’s address with the note „DPO”.
    • The purposes and rules of processing the Participant’s personal data are as follows:
      • Conclusion of a contract (contract for the use of the Contractual Service):
        • Data scope: identification and contact details (name, surname, date of birth, address, email address, telephone number),
        • Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of Regulation 2016/679, i.e., processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract,
        • Data processing period: for the duration of the contract validity, usually until the completion of the Service, and in special cases for the period resulting from applicable legal regulations, including the limitation period for any claims related to the performance of the contract or mandatory documentation for tax authorities – depending on which of these periods is longer;
        • Data processing rights: right of access to personal data, right to rectification of personal data, right to request restriction of processing of personal data by the controller, right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – President of the Personal Data Protection Office;
        • Obligation to provide data: contractual requirement. Failure to provide data will result in the inability to conclude a contract for the provision of the Contractual Service and thus the inability to participate in the Event;
      • Promotion of the Organizer’s activities – Participant’s image (photographs, videos, and audio recordings made during the Event):
        • Data scope: Participant’s image (photographs, videos, and audio recordings made during the Event),
        • Legal basis: separate consent. The legal basis is Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation 2016/679, i.e., the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes,
        • Data processing period: until the withdrawal of consent to the processing of such data,
        • Data processing rights: right of access to personal data, right to rectification of personal data, right to request restriction of processing of personal data by the controller, right to erasure of personal data, right to data portability, right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal, right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – President of the Personal Data Protection Office,
        • Obligation to provide data: providing data is voluntary and does not affect the possibility of participating in the Event, but it is necessary for the realization of the processing purpose specified above;
      • Informing the Participant about other Events and activities of the Organizer (offering the possibility of using other services and content in the future):
        • Data scope: Participant’s contact details (name, surname, email address, telephone number),
        • Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) of Regulation 2016/679, i.e., processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller,
        • Data processing period: until objection to processing for this purpose is made,
        • Data processing rights: right of access to personal data, right to rectification of personal data, right to request restriction of processing of personal data by the controller, right to object to the processing of personal data, right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – President of the Personal Data Protection Office,
        • Obligation to provide data: providing data is voluntary and does not affect the possibility of participating in the Event, but it is necessary for the realization of the processing purpose specified above;
      • Additional services for the Participant – data will be processed to potentially adapt the way the Contractual Service is provided to the individual needs or preferences of the Participant:
        • Data scope: as determined by the data subject. This includes any data provided by the User voluntarily (not required or specified by the Data Controller), e.g., especially in fields of the registration form described as „Other” or „Comments”,
        • Legal basis: separate consent. The legal basis is Article 6(1)(a) or – in the case of special categories of data – Article 9(2)(a) of Regulation 2016/679, i.e., the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes,
        • Data processing period: until the withdrawal of consent to the processing of such data,
        • Data processing rights: right of access to personal data, right to rectification of personal data, right to request restriction of processing of personal data by the controller, right to erasure of personal data, right to data portability, right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal, right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – President of the Personal Data Protection Office,
        • Obligation to provide data: providing data is voluntary and does not affect the possibility of participating in the Event, but it is necessary for the realization of the processing purpose specified above;
    • mailing address of the competent supervisory authority for complaints regarding the processing of personal data: President of the Personal Data Protection Office, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw, Poland,
    • Participant’s personal data will not be transferred to other entities, except for entities authorized to process them under applicable law and service providers necessary for the current functioning, with whom the Data Controller has concluded data processing agreements, in accordance with Article 28 of Regulation 2016/679;
    • Due to the tools used by the Data Controller, Participant’s personal data may be processed in a third country within the meaning of Regulation 2016/679. Detailed information about third-country entities to which data may be made available and the mechanisms for securing data in such cases can be found at the following link
    • Participant’s personal data will not be used for making decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling.
  3. In order to exercise the rights referred to above, a relevant request should be sent:
    • by email – to the address or
    • by traditional mail to the address: DeoLink, Malinka 65D/2, 43-460 Wisla, Poland with the note „DPO”.



  1. The provisions of the „General Terms of Participation in Events Organized by DeoLink” regulate the principles of the provision of the Contractual Service, constitute an integral part of the participation registration in the Event, and apply to all Participants.
  2. . Neither Party (i.e., neither the Participant nor the Organizer) may transfer the rights arising from the General Terms to a third party without the written consent of the other Party.
  3. . The Organizer reserves the right to use the email address and/or telephone number of the Participant provided during registration for the Event, for the purpose of providing the Participants with relevant organizational information about the Event, including changes to the Event program.
  4. The Participant acknowledges that any events and incidents violating the provisions of the General Terms may be the basis for the Organizer to refuse the Participant the right to participate in the Event and to request the Participant to leave the place of the Event or the premises of the facility where the Event is organized, without compensation and refund of costs associated with participation in the Event.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the „General Terms of Participation in Events Organized by DeoLink”.
  6. In the event of changes to the General Terms, they will be communicated to Users by posting them on the Registration System website and/or the Event website, if one has been created.
  7. After the Organizer announces changes to the General Terms, each Participant who has registered for the Event should promptly familiarize themselves with the changes. If the Participant does not accept the changes to the General Terms, they should notify the Organizer in writing using electronic means of communication at the address This statement should reach the Organizer no later than 14 days from the date of entry into force of the amended General Terms. If the Organizer does not receive a statement from the Participant regarding the non-acceptance of the changes to the General Terms within the specified period, this means acceptance of the changes to the General Terms by the Participant (so-called silent consent).
  8. Disputes arising in connection with the provision of the Contractual Service will be resolved amicably.
  9. In the absence of an amicable solution, disputes between the Parties to the contract shall be settled by the court competent for the seat of DeoLink.
  10. All matters not regulated in this document shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
  11. Contact with the Organizer is possible at the address: DeoLink, Malinka 65D/2, 43-460 Wisla, Poland and by email at: