Terms of Service for DeoLink Webservices

Last updated: 30th of July, 2024


We strive to ensure that our services and how they are delivered create a friendly and safe environment for all users. We invite you to familiarize yourself with these terms of service which outline the key principles we follow.


  • When we use the terms we, us or our, we refer to the DeoLink Association and entities acting on its behalf.
  • Webservices: websites, applications, forums, or thematic groups within communicators created, managed, and controlled by us. A list of our Webservices can be found in Appendix 1 to these terms.
  • Services: any services based on our Webservices or third-party solutions that we provide to our Users, over which we have at least partial, significant control in terms of organization, management, and use, including content administration or moderation.
  • Users: individuals using our Webservices, applications, and Services in any way, including account holders, E-coaches, E-friends, „The Chosen” ambassadors, mailing list subscribers, subscribers, event participants, or website visitors.
  • Events: conferences, camps, meetings, concerts, workshops, or training sessions and other events related to our activities organized by us.

Privacy protection

You have the right to visit and use parts of our Webservices without disclosing information about yourself. However, it may be necessary to create an account or disclose your contact details to access certain content, applications, websites, or Services. By completing a registration form or joining a discussion/fan group, you agree to the rules related to creating/holding an account there and to comply with these Terms of Service, DeoLink’s Privacy Policy, and any specific terms and conditions. Our priority is to protect the rights of Users who have provided us with their personal data. We highly value your trust, which is why we have created a separate document describing the processes related to processing your data. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy.

Content of the Webservices

The content of our Webservices is protected by copyright. Copying publications presented in the Webservice for commercial or private purposes, distribution, or adaptation requires our written consent. We are not responsible for the use of the content of our Webservices obtained without our consent or contrary to their intended use. Our Webservices may contain links to websites or internet services operated by other organizations, sponsors, content providers, or advertisers. By clicking on a link or button activating an external website/service, you will land on pages we do not control, and thus our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy do not apply there. We may also use external Services to communicate or present content (e.g., videos, surveys, or online communicators). We are not responsible for their potential temporary unavailability or displayed other content (e.g., proposed videos after viewing a clip selected by us). Since using our Services allows you to actively co-create their content, conduct conversations, and interact with other Users, we require you to comply with these Terms, generally applicable laws, principles of social coexistence, internet customs (netiquette), and good practices. We especially expect all our Users to:

  • refrain from actions that could hinder or disrupt the functioning of Webservices/Services, especially those that could hinder their use by other Users;
  • refrain from actions that could violate the privacy or other personal rights (e.g., dignity or good name) of other Users, particularly collecting, processing, and disseminating personal data and information about other Users without their explicit consent, as well as respecting correspondence secrecy;
  • not use our Webservices /Services for purposes other than those for which they were created or provided. This includes, among others, sending unsolicited commercial information, content unrelated to the nature of the Webservice/Service, or spam;
  • refrain from actions that damage our good name and that of cooperating entities;
  • use true personal data and not impersonate other people.

Our rights

We will make every effort to ensure the proper functioning of the Webservices and Services and their uninterrupted availability, but we are not responsible for any damages resulting from the improper functioning of the Webservices or Services due to technical reasons, third-party actions, or force majeure. We reserve the right to:

  • change the parameters of User accounts;
  • change the utility features and capabilities of the Webservices, in particular the scope and type of Services and functionalities;
  • periodically disable the Webservices without prior notice, especially related to its modification;
  • delete, for valid reasons, all content from the servers of the Webservices or completely terminate the provision of services, after prior notification of Users on the Webservices pages;
  • cease providing Services to a User or delete a User’s account for important reasons, especially in the event of violating the provisions of these Terms.

Our liability

Subject to the exclusions specified in these Terms, our liability – regardless of its legal basis – is limited to cases of damage caused by our intentional fault and to the amount of the damage incurred, excluding lost profits. Regardless of the other provisions of these Terms, we are not responsible for:

  • the form and content, especially the correctness of the content and materials placed in the Webservices by our Users;
  • any consequences of using content or materials obtained through the Webservices by Users or other persons;
  • the correctness of the tools posted on the Webservices, especially for any benefits lost by Users in connection with their incorrect operation;
  • the loss of any data posted by Users on the Webservices or transmitted to other Users through them, especially loss caused by external factors;
  • the correctness of data provided by Users to other Users, as well as how they are used by other Users;
  • third-party access to a set of data made available by Users as a result of their deletion or bypassing of the security measures for the above data;
  • the consequences of installing applications downloaded through the Webservices by Users;
  • unlawful or unlicensed use of applications downloaded by Users through the Webservices.

Participation in events

We are engaged in organizing many events across Poland. We strive to provide clear and readable information about them and enable a convenient registration and sign-up process. Also, during events, we try to ensure a pleasant and polite atmosphere. Therefore, we require all event participants to do the same, and especially to:

  • refrain from actions that could hinder or disrupt the functioning of the event, especially those that could hinder the enjoyment of the event by other participants;
  • refrain from actions that could violate the privacy and other personal rights of other participants, especially collecting, processing, and disseminating information about other participants without their explicit consent;
  • refrain from actions that damage our good name and that of cooperating entities;
  • comply with these Terms, generally applicable laws, principles of social coexistence, and good practices;
  • comply with all specific rules or regulations specified for a given event;
  • refrain from consuming alcohol and possessing or using any intoxicants and drugs.

Any events and incidents violating these provisions may be grounds for removal from the event venue, without compensation and reimbursement of costs related to participation in the event.

Changes to the Terms of Service

We reserve the right to make changes or additions to this Terms of Service. Any such changes will be published on the www.deolink.org page; therefore, we recommend regular visits to our website and monitoring the news regarding the rules of using our services by all our Users.



If you do not find answers to your questions about our platform here, or if you wish to contact us, please write to deolink@deolink.org or by mail at:

DeoLink Association

Malinka 65D/2

43-460 Wisła, Poland

Appendix 1: DeoLink Association Webservices



Thank you for reviewing our Terms of Service.


Have a great day!

The Deolink Team