Ministry > April 2021
April 2021 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings from Wisla, nestling under a white blanket! Yes, snow is unusual for this time of a year even in Poland; nevertheless it looks beautiful, huge snowflakes and winter scenery. The good news is when the sun appears the snow melts really fast.

And we are working at full speed, praying the impact growth tendency of last 10 years will continue.

This year we already have 5.000+ new people joining our discipleship platform, a new record! Many moving stories of God at work! Check testimonials at the end of this newsletter. What a joy!

Our target audience is “spiritually homeless”; there is a growing number of people disillusioned with institutional churches, offended and turned off by scandals and the hypocrisy of some leaders. Some are brainwashed by liberal media. But many look for God, and this is where we want to help as His ambassadors.

I have long been irritated by how much effort is given to only working with believers, (so much materials and attention given to this inner circle) yet at the same time many people have never been offered the option of becoming a follower of Jesus! This is where the Internet is such a great tool. Going where people already are and communicating in a way they understand, with e-coaches who show empathy and patience, the Jesus’ way!


Outback volunteers hiking a mountain 🙂


1. Offline Events

Observing that our strategy really delivers measurable results we feel compelled to put even more work and passion into finding newer ways to communicate the gospel in a relevant way. We pray that all our Outback weekends planned for 2021 will happen, also our annual conference of e-coaches that last year was only on zoom.

We pray this year all the planned events could happen, as Covid 19 appears to be loosing its edge.  I’ve had my first vaccination and we challenge our co-workers to get it asap, simply to be released from some strict regulations but also to enable us to mount off-line events like Outback and the National e-Coach Conference. We are all so ready for hugging and talking face to face!

2. What’s new?

But there are new projects coming out of the pipeline; e.g. “The Bible Project” episodes in Polish, production of series four of “Superbook” children cartoon videos, 13 episodes in total, on Biblical stories, the typesetting of the recently translated books Bobb Biehl’s “Decade to decade” and Greg Ogden “Discipleship Essentials”  that will also become an on-line course. My wife, Bogusia, is to take over the writing of daily encouragements “The Miracles Every Day”. Also, we have just launched a new phone application “Daily Inspirations”.

Thank you so much to all of you who, by your generosity, have been helping us financially to make those things happen! The Lord is helping us to go on from month to month. A lot of our developments depend on money we can use!


Every Wednesday we publish new Bible Project video on Youtube.


New mobile app just launched! Get fresh inspiration every morning.


If you would like to donate to help us reaching new people, we would ask you to donate by pressing the “donate” button below. Every $50 USD / £37.50 / 43 Euros allows us to reach 20 new people!


Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

March answered prayers:

  • Our staff is currently free from coronavirus. Something we do not take for granted, as in Poland just today some 900 people died (!)
  • Further increase in number of people taking courses continued in the first quarter!
  • So many projects fulfilled, now in full use!
  • New staff member, Emilian our many years Outback volunteer, was added. Great Friend and gifted individual!

Friends, please pray

  • Wisdom to plan 2021 activities, there are some major opportunities that are very tempting but would require several more staff to deal with them.
  • Moving our databases to Salesforce for a diligent tracking of our contacts.
  • Better business for our Radio CCM work, businesses starting to advertise again.
  • There is still a delay in getting an order to pay for Radio 10 year license extension due February 2021. The cost will be $110.000 / £82.430 / 92,300 Euros. Yes, we pray for a miracle!
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. Please, keep on praying.
  • Continuing good health for our whole team in these Corona times.
  • Special blessing on talks with some potential major donors. We have a great impact growth curve, but several projects can only be triggered by money…
  • Allowing our off-line weekends, conferences, and workshops to resume in the very near future.

Poland, March 2021 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What change do you want to make in your life?

After completing the TakeOFF course

  • “I want God to be present in my life all the time, that is to say, I want to let him be there. I notice that when I don’t have Him in me then there is no happiness and light in my life. I am not yet consistent in celebrating every moment of my life with God”.
  • “I want to fully give the reins to Jesus. I want him to guide me, I don’t want to surrender to other things and people of this world. Sometimes it’s hard to follow Jesus completely, but that’s my desire”.
  • “I believed that my sins were forgiven as well, I forgave my mother and father, I recognized God as my Lord and I want to tell others about”.
  • “I would like to put my life in God’s hands and let him change it and lead me to what He intended me to do”.
  • “I want to change for the better and dedicate my whole life to God, let him guide me, no matter what. The most important is that I can look God in the eye”.