Ministry > January 2021
January 2021 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Yes, 2020 was different. But it was also a blessing! We were pushed out of our routine, a great opportunity to evaluate and adjust, in every aspect of our life and service! Besides that, in comparison with 2019, 2020 was a record year as far as spiritual outcomes!

Results in 2020

  • 150% more people started a process of discipling on our courses platform (in Polish) – 15.561. More than twice!
  • 118% growth number of started courses – 22.985.
  • 84% growth of finished courses 5,970.
  • 91% increase of on-line meetings, to 427.
  • 175% increase of on-line conferences and on-line workshops
  • 130% increase of daily interactions of students with e-coaches to 907.
  • All the interactions with our various connecting channels, Radio, web pages (50), Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, daily reading materials, etc. are some 3.000.000+

It keeps a considerable number of competent professional staff busy, to develop and protect the infrastructure, defending from hacker attacks (over 40 attacks per week on average), manage huge databases, meanwhile creating fresh content. The list seems endless!  All in a year of reduced budget, due to 50% decreased income from Radio advertisements.

But what really counts is not just statistics, but transformed lives. Finally our “White Book of Testimonials” was printed and distributed between e-coaches and all volunteers with some 1,500, testimonials/comments of people who were touched by our work… Thank you, Jesus!


“White Book of Testimonials” more than 1,500 testimonials from our platforms.


New opportunities in 2021!

And 2021 is full of new opportunities. We witness now in Poland an acceleration of people deeply disillusioned with the institutional church, many even leaving it officially, but most claim they believe in God but do not accept hypocrisy and misconduct of the hierarchy.

We do not want to attack anybody, but rather point to Someone who will never let them down, going to the source of all good. We need so much wisdom! Please, pray with us the Lord will show us what to do.

Our main objective is to reach to new people, unbelievers, who are outside our regular, comfortable, evangelical circles.


Christmas meeting – a fantastic time full of gratitude to God for 2020, and joy in memory of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!


Thank you!

We want also to thank a number of you who, by your generous and timely donations have partnered in such a way! Deeply appreciated!

In Poland, for the very first time in a strategic manner, we have turned to our constituency of users asking for donations. Some 500 people responded! We have received some $15.000 in this manner! It also proves our work brings a value to their lives!  Thank you, Lord!


Christmas time with our children and grandchildren – what a great time to spend with your loved ones!


Greetings from beautiful Wisla! We finally got snow 🙂



If you would like to do it as well, help with reaching new people, we would ask you to donate by pressing the “donate” button below. Every $50 USD / £37.50 / 43 Euros allows us to reach 20 new people!


Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

December answered prayers:

  • Our staff is healthy now from coronavirus;
  • Production of Polish version of Superbook 4 (children bible stories) started. It is in high demand by children in Poland
  • Record number of people taking courses in 2020!
  • “White Book of Testimonials” was printed and mailed to our e-coaches, a thank-you token and a great encouragement.
  • Polish new donation collecting platform up and running, some 500 people donated around $15.000

Friends, please pray

  • Wisdom to plan 2021 activities in flexible manner, adjusting to openings expected from COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Improving our marketing effort to reach more people with our limited resources.
  • Better business for our Radio CCM work, businesses starting to advertise again.
  • Finding funding for a 10 year Radio CCM license extension, needed February 2021 is $110.000 / £82.430 / 92,300 Euros. Yes, we pray for a miracle!
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. Please, keep on praying.
  • Continuing good health for our whole team in these Corona times.
  • Special blessing on talks with some potential major donors.
  • Getting soon a vaccination, that would enable international travel for me.

Poland, December 2020 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What change do you want to make after completing the “How To Receive Forgiveness?” Course:

  • “Accept other people, try to understand them, try to be honest with myself and with others – in a word, change myself in all aspects of my life”.
  • “Trust God and not carry anger in my heart. Reach out to people more, even if there are topics that are difficult for me”.
  • “I want to start my relationship with God, I want forgiveness and I want to forgive, I want to turn away from what’s bad and accept God as the One who will guide my life”.
  • “Talk honestly with God, confess all my faults to Him, entrust my life and myself  to Him, trust, change my lifestyle and build a deep relationship with Him”.
  • “I want to give everything to Jesus Christ and let Him heal me”.