Ministry > August 2018
August 2018 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Summer is over! Here are some of the reasons we are praising God for the days that are past and the days that are ahead.

Rest time…

Every one of our team members, staff and volunteers have had some vacation time and rest (we ensured they used the time well and they have returned refreshed and full of new enthusiasm for the busy coming season).

Events and conferences…

A lot of events and conferences, where we are directly involved will soon take place. It’s a time of preparation, planning and looking for God’s guidance.


Meeting of the organizing committee for our annual conference – “Make Disciples”. This will be our 10th annual conference!

Pre-Outback barbecue for our volunteers:)

Trip to the USA…

A good study trip to the USA, with our Pastor and a youth leader to look for “best scenarios” of effective outreach, in the context of the new building we are developing for our church, in Malinka valley.

With Our hosts, pastors: Shannon, John, Joshua, Todd and Wes

In Emmanuel church, Enid, OK with pastor Wade Burleson.

My grandson…

A son, Pawel, for Filip & Justyna, born some weeks before the planned date, but he seems to be catching up quickly.

New addition to our family, Pawel Krol, son of Filip and Justyna

GELE 3.0 still grows…

Good acceptance of our latest version of GELE 3.0 (CODEX) by our partners who use it around the World. There are now over 70 organizations using it! Praise the Lord!

I was asked to explain, what this software, GELE (CODEX) really does. Here is a short description:
GELE is a special website where ministries can do their online outreach, have spiritual conversations with the seekers and present them with good content. How is it done?
It is a software tool that enables publishing online courses (in our case, discipleship and evangelism courses) in a format that is user friendly and easy to access by all interested parties. It is like a Power Point made for the Internet. But there is also a major backend system that assigns e-coaches (counselors) to seekers, monitors seekers’ progress, evaluates outcomes, etc. Even though it is simple to use there are many complex algorithms and ideas implemented, based on our 10 year experience with on-line follow-up; in many ways it is unique in the global market.
This system is offered to ministries so they can create their own courses and strategies (23 languages presently), with the key partner being, with over 300 effective courses offered in multiple languages and over 225.000 users. We call it MDMS – Mentoring/Discipleship Management System.

Hundreds of people are registered every month in our platforms! (here example of Polish course)

We believe we are now seeing a new and urgent need. There are number of Christian ministries across the World who understand the importance of being present in the digital environment and would like to use such a modern tool (GELE) to reach new audiences, but have no staff to transfer their existing curriculums and materials into effective, interesting multimedia courses; so now we are considering introducing just such practical services.
But the World of digital media is going relentlessly forward. Lots of new tools are in the pipeline, also using What’sApp and Messenger, as presently lots of traffic has moved into those communication platforms. We must be where people are! We pray constantly for wisdom and new, effective ideas to reach people and present the Gospel in an understandable way to the contemporary culture. Two things do not change: we must stay on the sure foundation (it is also a title of a book we are writing right now about God modelling our family history and today’s ministry) and of the Word of God, the motive must be – love for the lost!
The briefly mentioned study trip to the USA (see item 3) only confirmed that a common dominator of churches that are growing is: sharing the unadulterated gospel of salvation by grace, displayed by its messengers in their everyday lifestyle, serving the genuine needs of contemporary, lost, unchurched people, connecting with them outside our church buildings, mainly by a word of mouth.
We pray the Lord will help us to reach many, many more!

Friends, we deeply appreciate your friendship! Thank you for all your prayers and standing with us, sharing common vision and the work!
Yours in Him

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Prayer Praise & Requests

July answered prayers:

  • Good rest during vacations.
  • A spirit of enthusiasm as we now prepare the next Outback family weekends; plans for multiplication.
  • Excellent study trip to the USA, learning a number of new ideas for church strengthening.
  • 4 first episodes of “the Bible Project” – in Polish – completed
  • The first run of Superbook children videos with Bible stories ready for distribution.
  • The safe arrival of Filip and Justyna’s son, Pawel.

Friends, please pray

  • Coping with four conferences that we are heavily involved in during in the next 6 weeks.
  • Getting funding for a 10 year extension of Radio FEST license, 100.000 EUR (!). We have part of it already promised.
  • Blessed time of our three key radio people at the Orlando Christian Radio conference
  • Seeing even more people deciding to follow the Lord as His disciples, using all available tools.
  • Wisdom in planning the future. We see many opportunities, but understand it is more important to stay focused on what works the best.
  • We pray for additional funding for our ministry, to keep the momentum.
  • Special blessing for the development of our new church building, that is to be like a community center.

Poland, August 2018 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Excerpts from our last Outback surveys:

  • Everything that happened was deeply moving, an unforgettable adventure, I just can’t stop crying…
  • Here, in a very difficult period of my life, I met the living God and wonderful people.
  • It was a very unique time. My dad’s big smile at the end of the weekend said everything.
  • We arrived as two strangers. Now I leave with my wife as a best friend, filled with peace and trust.
  • I’ve experienced a spiritual transformation – was reminded that only God can be a foundation of a healthy marriage and marital transformation – now I look at my wife with flushed cheeks again, as when we were engaged.
  • It was one of the most profound experiences in our marriage!
  • I could see a transformation of my dad happening in front of my eyes.
  • I realized how important it is to tell my loved ones that I love them.
  • I rested spiritually, it was like being on all-inclusive vacations.
  • We were not aware that we can still surprise each other, talk with each other.
  • What happened exceeded all expectations.
  • My dad told me about his difficult childhood – that changed my perception of him.