Ministry > December 2019
December 2019 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings from Poland! May Christmas time will open some new doors to your heart to get even closer to the Savior, once born in Bethlehem!

As the year gets close to an end, we are, from one side – very thankful for the past – but also look forward with anticipation to what the Lord is preparing for us! Years fly by so fast! And World around moves faster and faster, godless culture seems to dominate people’s brains…

We want to re-evaluate all we are doing in our ministry. Not the Message! It is “a still point in the turning World”. But examine, what communication streams work today the best. Some secular bloggers get billions of exposures… And we have the best message, the Truth that the World needs desperately! Lord, help and guide all of us to bring fruit!



New ideas and products

It is a huge challenge, so, please, pray with us. Tens of new projects in
preparation, including new courses on Depression and Pain with Joni
Eareckson-Tada, great programs for ladies by Ida Hrdlickova, Bible study
methodology by Zygmunt Karel, etc.


In this month we had a lot of video production. We had recorded testimonial with Ida Hrdlickova…


… and second video – course about forgiveness. In addition, we had several other recordings, including testimonial or Christmas video.



Great “re-vamping” of programming of our radio station, to offer people hope and motivation that can be found in Christ… many publications, tens of meetings, workshops…

New resources

Please, pray with us for new, talented people to volunteer, for needed resources, (yes, money!) good cooperation with local churches, (for whom we prepare a special entry track to digital outreach) reaching hundreds of thousands of new people via new daily reading plans. But staying focused on making disciples – discovering complete life in Jesus, having transformed life.


Our young Outback team.


History Makers – emerging leaders training. Journey of two weekends that is complemented with online conferencing works great for the young and busy:)


New generation of leaders influencing Poland.


Planning for 2020’s Outbacks has started


Tomek Kujawski is the new Outback lay leader for 2020 – every year this role (with hat and suitcase:) is passed to the new person.


Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

November answered prayers:

  • A beautiful encounter with Ida Hrdickova, who will now join our team of writers of courses for ladies
  • Husband of Ida, Pavel, will help with social media promotion of all our programs
  • Great meeting with some strategic partners as far as supporting our ministry. Not knowing outcomes yet.
  • Encouraging meetings with different teams of volunteers (actually, “unpaid team members, as their involvement exceeds by far usual “volunteer” involvement)
  • New lay leader for 2020 Polish Outback was elected

Friends, please pray

  • Wisdom in preparing plans and budgets for 2020.
  • Trip of Filip and Henryk to the US early January to meet some our ministry partners
  • A contract to distribute next parts of Superbook children bible stories DVDs. We still do not have distribution rights for this excellent product translated to Polish by our team.
  • Extension of Radio CCM licence (last year, we were able to extend for 10 years Radio Fest license, this year it is our second network). Substantial monies are needed – 50.000 EUR.
  • Finding a great Polish author to continue writing daily reading materials, A Miracle Every Day, as Eric Celerier, the original writer wants to pass writing to nationals
  • Finding a good publisher for our family book “Sure Foundation”.
  • Development of Outback in Europe.
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. His situation is all the time very serious.
  • Building project of Malinka church. We plan to use new rooms for lot of our ministry activities. Now at the finishing stages, that are very expensive.

Poland, November 2019 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Several testimonials from “A Miracle every day”:

  • Thank you “Miracles of Every Day” for making me feel closer and closer to God.
  • “Miracles every day” often supported me during the experience that I went through the last months. Thank God for these emails, for every person who showed me support during this time. Hallelujah!
  • Thank you for your words of support, they mean a lot to me, give me strength and let me build faith.
  • It is beautiful to get a piece of God’s word with a comment in the morning
  • I would like to thank you for the “Miracles every day” initiative. Recently, I felt worse mentally, I woke up in the morning discouraged. The word and encouragement I receive everyday via email via “Miracles every day” gives me the strength to resist bad thoughts and start the day with God. So thank you to my beloved Father for this initiative and the whole team that is involved in it.