Ministry > February 2020
February 2020 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings from Poland! Our winter seems to be much warmer than in previous years! It confirms that we should accept change, not only as a part of our daily life but also in the spiritual realm, thinking about how we communicate the gospel. Fortunately the Bible is our constant reference book and gives us pertinent guidance.

Methods must change if we are to be understood by the current culture and the younger generation. The same message for a changing world. Discovering today’s needs of people is imperative. We cannot stay in our bubbles and assume we know the answers, we don’t! This is why it is important to ask right questions and seek honest answers.

Partners in USA

January was very fruitful in this area for us as Filip and I were meeting some of our partners in the USA, listening and looking together for solutions to seeing new people becoming disciples of Jesus.

We met with number of our US Friends and partners: The Bible Project friends in Portland, OR, then Los Angeles – Roland and Bill, Nick Vujicic, Joni Eareckson Tada, Global Discipleship Initiative, Charles Rogers and Peter Torry and then in Dallas – our NEC Board and – Charles Swindoll with his leaders. It was greatly
stimulating time, as they are all outstanding leaders of influential organizations, many new ideas we want to implement in our work in Poland, as it is expanding more and more internationally.


With our partners in the Bible Project office.


Our long-term Friends Roland and Bill from Los Angeles.


We are so thankful that Joni Eareckson – Tada is helping us with courses on depression and pain.


Wonderfull meeting with Nick Vujicic and Bev, who are so helpful with riching crowds for Jesus.


Wonderful meeting with Charles and Cynthia Swindoll and directors Inside for Living, present also in Poland.


Back in Poland. Planing 2020 e-couch conference in August 28-30 2020 in Wisła.


Personal and organizational development

Then, just myself – I had a privilege to attending Phoenix, AZ, a Consulting Institute, run by our long time Friend and Mentor, Bobb Biehl. It was a very intense time; still, what a blessing to get life-long resources, developed by Bobb, an executive mentor to over 500 leaders of Christian World and being trained in how to implement and share them with others. It was like drinking from the ocean!

In the meantime, the work in Poland is going on, we added two new staff and expect, again an acceleration. We are also considering utilising professional research to find out where people really are and how to connect with them. Also, to get independent, credible analysis of the results of our years of ministering carried out by an independent agency. We pray we shall only do things that make sense!

2019 was very good to us – we are working now on an in-depth Annual Report. If you are interested in getting it, just write to me.


Our group trained by Bobb Biehl in organizational development in Phoenix.


And again in Poland, our team planing the next week of work.


All the effort worthwhile!

Huge encouragement comes from mails, texts and testimonials we get from our contacts. People, who have given their lives to Jesus and, after several months, are still on fire, rejoicing from the new life that Jesus has given them! It makes all the effort worthwhile!


Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!

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We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

April answered prayers:

  • Yes, we have received some funding to help us go on in 2020! Praise the Lord! And thank you for your prayers!
  • Very good trip to the US, a great encouragement and new plans to fulfil!
  • Good end-of-year closing with many small contributions from Polish users of our materials coming, for the first time in our history, some $10,000 received in this format!
  • Spirit of unity and expectation among staff and volunteers.

Friends, please pray

  • Some key decisions of dear friends on helping financially with our ministry, on a major scale.
  • With increased staff some remodelling of our “old” office is needed; we would like to do it fast and in the least disruptive manner!
  • Still open and urgent: a contract to distribute the next parts of Superbook children Bible stories DVDs. We still do not have distribution rights for this excellent product translated to Polish by our team.
  • Money for extension of Radio CCM license (last year, we were able to extend for 10 years Radio Fest license, this year it is our second network). Substantial monies are needed – 50.000 EUR. / £42,600 / $55,700.
  • Finishing writing and finding a good publisher for our family book “Sure Foundation”. In March I plan to take 3 weeks off and work on it.
  • Development of Outback in Europe. Huge plans are considered! Good Board meeting at the end of February.
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. His situation is all the time very serious.
  • Building project of Malinka church. We plan to use new rooms for lot of our ministry activities. Now at the finishing stages that are very expensive.
  • Good health for Justyna, wife of Filip, who expects next child and has some health issues.

Poland, January 2020 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What do people look for on our websites:

  • Why does God allow my own father to destroy my health and life? I have thoughts of suicide, I do not want to live, because I have no reason and for whom.
    Woman, 45-54
  • I have a question about how to talk to my wife. We’re not getting along well lately. We do have two children. We fulfill ourselves as parents but we lack mutual understanding. I move a bit away from my wife and home. I find extra jobs and I’m generally not effusive when talking to my wife. She needs more understanding and interest which she does not give her. In a few statements during a quarrel I said unpleasant things to her. How to rebuild our marriage and make her trust me again?
    Man, 25-34
  • I would like to have someone who will help me in the fight against addiction to pornography, but I do not want to be someone around me. I am asking for help because I want to end it.
    Man, 18-21
  • I am looking for help. I love God and I care about a good relationship with Him. However, I often commit a sin that makes me feel guilty and away from Him. It’s about masturbation. It’s hard for me to talk about it, but I feel like I have to get it out of myself. I try to fight this sin, but sometimes I fall down despite my prayers and work. I apologize to God for this whenever it happens because I really regret this act. Does God know my heart? Will he still forgive me?
    Woman, 25-34