Ministry > January 2019
January 2019 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

First, special thanks for all the kind words, good wishes and Your Friendship! It was so good to receive your many encouraging mails! From our side – we also want to greet you warmly as the year 2019 is already moving forward! The Lord is offering us, all the time, A NEW BEGINNING, a wonderful option to commit even more to Him.

We have been prayerfully restating the mission of our ministry, to better describe what is deeply rooted in our hearts in throughout changing opportunities and circumstances. We are about “Making multitudes of disciples of Jesus Christ using the Internet ecosystem”. While staying focused on our work in Poland, also share all we can with other international groups who will be using our tools and taking responsibilities for their own territories. More and more groups are open to partnership, a real joy but also a challenge: how fast should we grow, how will we finance such development? Our definition of our aims for those we are leading into discipleship is: “Leading them to become more like Jesus, being filled with His Spirit and being rooted in His Word, in all areas of life”.

2018 was a good year…

2018 was good for us. We have been able to fulfill our plans in most of our operations, and 67% of our ministry expenses were covered from “internally raised revenue” (e.g. selling radio advertisements, IT services, sales of music and films, etc.). The rest was covered from donations, for which we are deeply thankful. In order to extend the impact of the ministry and move ahead with some 60 projects, we are praying for $1,025,000.00 / £813,000 of funding during 2019. We believe a substantial part of it will come from Polish people, a blessing that also adds to our credibility when people see our day to day operations and want to help!


Together with Studio DR team, we completed the year 2018…


…there was time for something delicious…


…but also for talks and a summary of the year.


Ideas and visions for 2019…

Now we pray and plan to increase our involvement in Poland, arranging more conferences and workshops to recruit more e-coaches, etc. Also, now we see more churches begin to understand a need to be present on the Internet and are (finally) really interested in discovering the best scenarios. There are so many ways to get involved, what really counts is love, commitment, creativity and prompt reactions to all the new trends and fashions.


In the beginning of January we had a meeting “Agape Outback”


We had a great time of worship…


…and a lot of encouragement for the coming year!

Radio license…

By God’s grace we have received the finances to pay for the extension of our Radio Fest 10 year’s license. Hallelujah! (And grateful thanks to all who have helped!)

Christmas with family…

On a family level? Well, Christmas was a great time of reunion of our families, with two grandchildren around, fellowshipping and eating lots of great food! Now I am back on my diet :). We had also a 4 day visit of a family of five from the Czech Republic who stayed with us; all the spiritual conversations were most stimulating and focusing our thoughts on the faithfulness of our Lord.


Family included 🙂


Family from the Czech Republic, they are amazing, we spent a such a great time!


A concert of Christmas carols in Katowice


Winter in Wisla is very beautiful!


This year we have a lot of snow 🙂


Photo of our valley from the drone.
Friends, Thank you for all your friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Yours in Him

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Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

December answered prayers:

  • Funds for Radio the license have arrived!
  • Good closing of the year.
  • Good progress with the production of evangelistic multimedia materials.
  • A time of rest and recharging for our staff and many volunteers.
  • The Bible project in Polish. First 20 episodes already published.

Friends, please pray

  • We pray for wisdom to know if we should employ more staff to cope with all the new opportunities.
  • Polish translation of the 3rd series of Superbook Bible stories for children, 13 episodes. It must be ready by end of February. Snow makes production in our mountain studio more difficult.
  • New software tool based on WhatsApp, to help with follow-up after Outback, to be ready in February 2019.
  • New courses on our Polish discipleship platform.
  • Helping new partners: in India, Kenya and Nigeria to launch Internet evangelism work.
  • Completed “Connected Giving” application for end of January launch in London
  • A blessing for work with whom are a partnering, also ZeWatchers, who come with so many new ideas of attracting new people towards the gospel
  • Finishing writing, in 2019, our book, “Sure Foundation”

Poland, December 2018 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What do people look for on our websites:

  • Why can not I find a way to go where I should go? Why can not I be happy?
  • I really want a closer relationship with God, I want to learn to discern the will of God. Can you help me?
    Women, 55-64
  • How to pray that prayer would be a conversation with God, not only a duty?
    Women, 35-44
  • I would like to ask for spiritual support in the fight against addiction. I can not take it anymore and I do not know how to free himself.
    Men, 18-21
  • For two years I’ve been trying to live and get to know God but all the time I can not forgive myself for the many bad things I’ve done. It bothers me a lot and sometimes does not let me go any further. This is the fear of the unknown before I lose control of how to deal with it?
    Men, 35-44