Warm greetings from Poland! 2019 is history, yet our hearts are still filled with thankfulness for God’s countless blessings for our ministry in the past year.
There are so many new opportunities, but how to balance what we know works well with the innovations, required by changing a World, simply to be understood? Not by believers, but by people we want to reach for Jesus. We have a fantastic technical base, a great team of dedicated, competent people, we are well positioned in the “communications” leg with FM radio and Internet but right now we are seeking the Lord for His wisdom and His guidance. Merely maintaining the status quo is equal to falling behind. Money is always the challenge. Even as we cover most of our operational expenses from services we market (like radio
advertisements, etc.) to maintain and enlarge the scale of influence requires more good people to be involved, and this costs money.
Of course, in a way it is spiritually healthy when we rely on God’s provision and support that is far from secure in human terms. But He is faithful and; “What God orders, He pays for.” While the need for finance is part of God’s way of leading us, we don’t want to be seen as obsessed with acquiring it.
It was a great joy in December when we received small contributions towards our daily “Miracles every day” material from 271 people in Poland! What a thrill!
We try to be efficient, to work hard, we do it as “unto the Lord” and He gives the increase. Huge encouragement comes from mails, text and testimonials we get from our contacts. People, who have given their lives to Jesus and, after several months, are still on fire, rejoicing from the new life that Jesus has given them! It makes all that effort worthwhile!
As of March the 1st, 2020, I plan to step down from the position of a leader of Studio DR and give full authority to my son Filip, who for last year has already been its CEO. I will be involved, of course, but mainly as leader of our umbrella non-profit, DEOrecordings Association, that shapes the directions of our ministry. There are so many exciting projects to come! I am thrilled and looking forward to writing to you about them!
Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.
people starting their journey to Jesus
people growing in their faith
conversations with E-coaches