Ministry > January / February 2024
January / February 2024 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Dear Friends,

The new year started some time ago and all of us, I believe, are busy doing our normal things. After all the festivities, sharing good wishes and reevaluating the past, also planning the future! It is so good to know that God is in control! If we trust Him, we may keep a peace of mind despite all the huge troubles that are around! What a privilege it is! Thank you, Lord!


Happy family reunion at Christmas.


In our church, during The Chosen promotion.


2023 was a record year for us: 

  • We’ve witnessed a 235% increase of new people signing up to the digital discipleship courses (53 603 individuals!),
  • Almost 50 million „touches” by The Chosen series in Poland (over 15-million-episode views),
  • Outback weekends were in full development,
  • We’ve clarified our vision and mission,
  • Rebranding from DEOrecordings to DeoLink, which reflects our current focus significantly better,
  • A successful export to Ukraine of a Polish-made mobile stage to be used by churches in reaching new villages for Christ,
  • Our family book – Sure Foundation – got published,
  • We have a great NEC Board,
  • The radio network got sold (but we are still airing our Christian programming on it!), etc.…,

ALL the glory goes to our Lord! We are so aware that we play just a tiny part in all those actions, and He is multiplying. There is a visible momentum!

I do not need to mention it was a team effort – by God’s grace we have wonderful, highly committed people who are passionate and one-minded in growing the Kingdom.


This is a mobile stage that we were able to give for Ukrainian churches in village evangelism.


And this is how it’s looks opened. Thank you for your donations!


Faith Driven Investors Conference 2024 – Watch Party in Wisla.


Premiere of season 4 of The CHOSEN

This means that 2024 has even more ambitious plans and aspirations! Just last week, we had a big gala – a premiere of season 4 of The Chosen series in Warsaw, Poland (January 17 – Los Angeles, London – January 22 and January 26 – Warszawa). We organized it in the biggest Warszawa cinema, 4 rooms filled with some 1600 participants and tickets sold long ago. The main actors: Jonathan Roumie playing Jesus and Liz Tabish playing Mary Magdalene came! 🙂  They were accompanied by Kyle Young, International Director of The Chosen and Stan Jantz, director of “Come and See” Foundation, which stands behind this amazing project. A whole US crew came to help as well. What a wonderful celebration it was! Like in the 70’s there was the Jesus film, now The Chosen touches the hearts of literally millions. As you know, during my life I was involved in many different outreaches – but have never seen anything similar. It opens the hearts of contemporary, secular people, young and old, on a mass scale! What a wonderful evangelistic tool it could be! We noticed a major increase in sign-ins to our discipleship courses after The Chosen!


This shows scale of the cinema in Warszawa. Artist sitting at the bottom of the screen.


Jonathan Roumie and Liz Tabish who played roles of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.


Our team was filming in Warsaw interviews for some thirty outlets.


Very encouraging time for us.

American team of co-organise

Meeting with actors

Earlier, we were in Krakow, at a meeting with 800+ “ambassadors” in the largest cinema packed to capacity. Christ’s name was mentioned in a beautiful way by many. The actors themselves told their personal stories. Their life was transformed by Jesus, as they spend so much time in the Bible, trying to portray in the best possible way the message of God Himself. Their words were humble and profound, cutting straight to the hearts, most listeners had tears in their eyes. And we have a follow-up strategy to connect people moved by the story of Jesus. Even the media were sympathetic towards this event, as tens of journalists and outlets were represented.

Cracow meeting with ambassadors.

Gift for artist from one of the ambassador

Our celebration team meeting after return from The chosen premiere.

Franklin Graham in Krakow

Switching topics, in April, we expect Franklin Graham to come to Krakow for a two-day gathering. Again, it’s a great opportunity to connect with new people interested in becoming Jesus’ disciples.

New outback weekend destinations

The Outback weekends are to be multiplied as well – 3 new towns are to be added to the current two locations, so that more families may be helped by Jesus.

January 6th Outback volontiers reunion.

Health problems

As time is passing, I was personally feeling weaker, with less energy… medical tests were all positive but there was a problem. Then my Bogusia brought me to a test of sleep – and it was proved that I had a major disruption in breathing during the night… Several of you have been advising me to take a mask for the night, but somehow, I was delaying it. Only now, as I started using it – I see a major improvement. Thank you, Lord! And I apologize for not listening to you earlier! This is such a strong lesson for me – as we are telling people about the new life in Jesus – they often agree but do not take it seriously… WOW! Who is the loser?

Trip to USA

In just a few days I will go with Filip to the US, to a number of places, for conferences and meetings. It is always an inspiration and encouragement. Please, pray it will open and deepen our contacts there.

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship so much!

God bless you!


Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.


Answered December & January prayers:

  • Radio CCM sold! The new buyer will allow daily Christian programming to be broadcasted.
  • Some 15 million views of The Chosen episodes/programs/social media, some coming to our follow-up funnel. Fantastic premiere in Krakow and Warszawa.
  • We got a record number of interested people starting on the discipleship path through our digital platforms. It seems 2023 was our best year yet!
  • Our family book, “Sure Foundation” gets many responses from readers! It tells the story of God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in very turbulent times. If you would like to get a copy if you do not have one, please, write to us at with your street address. We will look for the best way to deliver it to you.
  • Wonderful unity and commitment from our staff and volunteers, great e-coach conference. The Chosen involvement was a “top of the mount” experience!
  • Good development of our social media presence with hundreds of thousands impacted.


Friends, please pray

  • Special blessing for Franklin Graham in Krakow meetings.
  • God’s guidance in our expansion plans.
  • Developing cooperation with new partners around the globe.
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our e-learning platforms: in Polish, English and Ukrainian.
  • Many more laborers to help with the harvest that is huge!
  • Opening hearts of donors to help us expand the ministry in the future, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have decreased. Out innovative approach really brings measurable results of many new believers and we would like to bring it into next level
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends: Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years.
  • A blessing for Filip and Henryk’s trip to the States in February.


December & January 2023 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Testimonials after “The CHOSEN” premiere in Warsaw:

  • Forgiveness is a gift that you can give someone”. With this thought I walked out of the Theater after the Premiere screening.
  • Go to the THEATERS! This show gave me strength and support in finding relationship with God, mountain of providence. I felt  like I was in my inner home. And in the moment of my darkness night, 2 years ago, I found light and hope.
  • It was the best day of my whole career. For such an event God has put me in my work.
  • After event in Krakow I felt like a disciple walking home from feeding of the 5 thousand miracle. Event organized at highest possible level.
  • Seeing Jesus in a suit is priceless 🙂 But seriously, I’ve been waiting for this since I bought my ticket, two cool episodes and an explanation of what it means to follow Jesus and forgiveness. And before that, the short testimonies of Jonathan and Liz were really valuable. Mega event, nicely conducted, and great guests! The Chosen Polska Great job
  • After meeting the actors and watching episode 8, on January 28, I dedicated my entire life to God. The meeting at the Kijów cinema will definitely be a day I will remember for a long time