Ministry > July 2022
July 2022 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Time has flown so fast that I felt surprised when I realised that it was already July!

We have had a very busy June with four “Outback” weekends attended by over a hundred couples experiencing a new depth in their relationships within their families, reams of tissues soaking up litres of tears shed while rediscovering partners virtues and a new beginning with Christ invited to be a third family member.

Many new friendships initiated!

A difficult situation appeared at one of the Outbacks. Thieves scaled the fence to our parking lot and started to remove from cars exhaust catalysers, made of Platinum, a very expensive metal. One was stolen, the second – just cut from one side of a pipe. We really felt very bad about it, insurance was not covering that and a value of one catalyser was approximately $3.000. We prayed a lot and looked at various options. When we got the car to a workshop we discovered that thieves had stolen the wrong part, a regular silencer, costing $80. In this car the catalyser was connected to the engine. An unexpected happy ending!

We were also privileged to host first Ukrainian Outback in Poland. We’ve worked closely with the Ukrainian Outback team and plan to continue still this year with another event in October. Even though it was on the smaller scale God moved the hearts and all guests were deeply touched. Glory to God!

Ukraine Outback in Poland.

Group of Ukraine friends.

A breakfast, for women organized by Bogusia and her team had over 500 ladies coming physically (it is hard to enjoy a huge breakfast on line!) with many more enjoying the proceedings on-line.

Fantastic breakfast, beautiful music, inspiring speech and touching testimonies!

Another cause for rejoicing is that after an extensive time of prayer and negotiations we have obtained rights to the Polish version of the US film series “The Chosen”. We believe it will be a major tool to connect with literally millions of viewers over Sate TV, Netflix, DVDs, cinemas and churches. A great opportunity to offer in-depth courses leading to personal encounter with Christ!
There is a massive work ahead of us, so please, pray for this project as well…

Visit of dear people from OM, Vienna, talks about cooperation.

A concert “To be like Jesus” – in spite of rain some 5,000 people came.

In the mean-time our regular digital outreach is bringing record results. Presently, there are 70 new people every day signing up to the courses, many led by physical e-coaches. It is of course a long process to understand fully the gospel and embrace it. Many people fall off on the way but approximately 25% finish and move to the next step. We have now four platforms:

Meanwhile we are helping Ukrainians, both in Ukraine by sending food, medicine and spiritual literature and in Poland – Outback in Ukrainian language, various pieces of literature, the mobile stage project as described in the last Update, etc.

More on that in our Ukrainian reporting page:

Next shipment of humanitarian goods to Ukraine.

We want to express our profound gratitude to you for sending money both towards our ministry and also towards Ukrainian aid! We are prayerfully using that money in the most needed areas, using our many connections with trustworthy believers in Ukraine we’ve known for years aiding in the distribution.

Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit! The Lord is answering prayers, indeed!


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We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

June answered prayers:

  • Substantial money received for Ukrainian help! Thank you so much!
  • Thousands of copies of good spiritual material, trackts, stickers, bags with links to our Ukrainian courses, web pages arriving all the time, together with humanitarian help!
  • First 1,000 users on our Ukrainian course platform.
  • Great statistics for our on-line courses.
  • Wonderful Outback weekends with many reconciled marriages and conversions.
  • The Chosen project received by us to conduct massive evangelistic and follow-up effort.
  • Wonderful “Ladies Breakfast” with 550 participating physically.

Friends, please pray

  • Peace for the region!
  • Developing great strategy for The Chosen implementation in Poland; finding a leader for this huge opportunity.
  • Training many more e-coaches to help on-line people who spend many hours daily on their phones.
  • Developing top quality content for all new courses on all four platforms.
  • Good time of rest for all the staff and volunteers, to gain new strength for the next season.
  • Planning our Annual e-coach Mission Conference, that this year will also include International and Ukrainians, August 26 – 28, 2022 in Wisla. You are also invited!
  • Better business for Radio CCM, businesses starting to advertise again. Praying for measurable spiritual outcomes of the seeding process of the Radio.
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for our dear friends, Roland Hinz, Phill Butler, Carol Williams and Rob Sieval, who suffer serious illnesses. Please, keep on praying. Also I have now had sciatica for over a month, it makes life less enjoyable.

Poland, June 2022 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some testimonials from “Second Step” website:

  • “Although at the beginning I thought that the course was similar to many others on the Internet, Jesus spoke to me and I was convinced that I could not do anything myself. I need the support of people who believe and know my problem. We must remember that although we are Newborn in Christ, we are still dealing with Satan and fighting the temptations”.
  • “The best course for people looking to win over pornography”.
  • “The course changed my perception of the world, I am very glad that I found it by accident and understood how difficult my situation is and I can achieve salvation and save myself”.
  • “A tremendous support on my way to cleanliness. Thank you!”