Ministry > July / August 2023
July / August 2023 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

We are all now in the middle of summer, when most of us want to slow down a little, rest and rethink the future.

The weather in Poland is very pleasant now, and as we have 5 grandchildren – we have become quite popular as we purchased a small children pool, placed on our terrace.

Dzięgielów Gospel week, where we’re always present with our stand.

Annual Woman’s Breakfast in Wisla with over 550 women.

Not to say that the work is idling! The Gospel Week of Dzięgielów is just over, Bogusia’s Women’s Breakfast, initiated in 2006 during Festival of Life with Mike MacIntosh – attracted 560 women this year. Filip has just returned from a week in Cambridge, UK, where he attended a Leadership network week arranged by European Leadership Forum. Oliver and Kornelia were in Utah, USA, at the set of The Chosen season 4. They do lots of social media and promotion of this excellent series in Poland, so a trip like that, at the invitation of the US project leaders, is a fantastic “fuel” for even bigger reach.

The Chosen’s International teams that had the opportunity to perform as extras in the 4th season.

Bogusia and I went to London for 2 days to meet with our elderly, very special Friend and Board member of 30+ years, who is getting weaker. We have also met some our family members, of course… and then – I’m soon going to the Christian Economic Forum conference in San Diego. A one-of-a-kind event gathering Bible-centered major business leaders who have a real heart for making a difference for the Kingdom. It is like an alternative to the World Economic Forum, with just the opposite agenda 😊

With special friend Peter Bye.

Our whole pack with sister Nina, Peter and my Bogusia in Surbiton, UK

In the meantime – we have placed an order for a mobile stage, to be used by a Ukrainian church. They have great teams of dedicated church planters, who have already started 28 new churches. They were dreaming about having a trailer – a mobile stage, 8 x 6 meters, that will travel from one village to the other sharing the gospel. We pray for more funds to finance also a LED screen (to be used in sunshine), PA equipment and a van to tow all of it… So much money was passed to Ukraine in a form of humanitarian help, but we would like to see some lasting goods that would help also to grow the Kingdom. With the help of one brother from San Diego, already 35,000 New Testaments were given to Ukraine!

A mobile stage on a trailer that we preaches for Ukraine to be used in church planting.

A celebration finishing the bible study program for Ukrainians

The Ukrainian team that works with us in Wisla does a great job – as of the day I’m writing it, there are 16,607 people that used our discipleship platform in Ukrainian language! Just think about it – it is amazing! Vast majorities are completely new to the gospel! So many great decisions! Also in our church – a group of Ukrainians who participate regularly in our meetings is growing. At the same time – the resources that allow to continue this work are gradually getting smaller. What a paradox – much more is being accomplished, and international focus turned in another direction… At the same time, there are several of you who are doing all you can to help. One very special, dear brother from the UK sold all his garden veggies and fruit, and donated money towards Ukraine – it is such an enormous encouragement.


Many people getting Bibles together with humanitarian help.

Future of DEOrecordings

As mentioned in the previous Update, our core team met last week for a couple of days to pray and brainstorm about the future of our ministry. We see amazing blessing, but as time passes, several things should be adjusted to new opportunities and possibilities. Please, pray for wisdom for us – so that we may fulfill God’s plan for our lives and the world!

Yes, friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship so much!

God bless you!


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June  answered prayers:

  • The newest version of our mentoring/discipling software 4.0 is finished and in tests now. 10 months of solid work by 3 people.
  • The Chosen season 3 is translated into Polish and since today – in distribution on DVDs. The State TV broadcasting should start in September. Last weekend it was featured on a 30.000 people gathering at a stadium in Wroclaw, called by Mr. Zielinski
  • Many good trips happening right now!
  • Our family book, “Sure Foundation” gets first responses from readers! It tells the story of God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in very turbulent times. If you, Andrzej, as our special Friend would like to get a copy, please, write to us at with your street address. We will look for the best way to deliver it to you.
  • Our dear Friend, Roland Hinz, for whom we prayed for number of years has gone into eternity. May the family be encouraged in the Lord, our only hope.

Friends, please pray

  • Final touches to the newest software platform GELE 4.0.
  • God’s guidance in our expansion plans.
  • Developing cooperation with a US-based organization Gloo!
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our e-learning platforms: in Polish, English and Ukrainian.
  • Many more laborers to help with the harvest that is huge!
  • Opening hearts of donors to help us expand the ministry in the future, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have stopped.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends: Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years.

June and July 2023 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Testimonials from Ukrainian platform “Nadyia”

  • I`m really happy that there are such courses. It was a revelation for me at the beginning of my Christian life. It’s worth for everybody to join the course.
  • It’s great that you are writing about such things. It’s very important to speak about God and the Bible in this difficult time, to show the way we should read the Bible and how it can change our life.
  • I liked the course, especially now when there are many questions and no answers. We should look for answers in the Bible and in God. Thanks everybody who prepared that course. The questions were very important and useful. Thank you. I’m going to go through the next course.
  • Thank you for your help and for this course. I understood a lot and I feel I’m on the right way. God was always with me and my faith is increasing every day. Prayer and gratefulness changed my life.
  • Thank you for the course. It helped me to trust Jesus.