Ministry > June 2023
June 2023 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

May has passed so fast that it is hard to comprehend. Perhaps, because the weather was cold and rainy around here, but rather – because of many activities that kept us busy outside our regular routine

For me, initially it was a time to catch-up after our trip to Israel, but shortly after our return we travelled in a larger team to Brussels (Belgium). The goal was to meet and encourage our e-coaches from Grow Your Life platform, who are wonderfully expanding their influence! It was a one-day conference, organized by Brian Hughes, Peter and Didi Hagenauers in an International Church of Brussels with some 80 people attending. Several expressed a desire to join the team, so we are looking forward to it with joy! The Grow Your Life English language digital discipleship platform is growing well, doubling the year-to-year number of new contacts. Thank you, Lord!

Our group at the E-coach candidates in Brussels, Belgium.

And here is a Polish delegation.

Many new ideas are coming to our minds… Just today I read from Isaiah 54, verses 2 and 3: “Enlarge the place of your tent and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities.” It may look strange when a 71-year-old man is still praying for the expansion of ministry, but I am surrounded by a great group of young people who are very creative, trustworthy and hardworking, and have a heart for connecting biblical message with contemporary people. We are seeing so much blessing that it would be a mistake not to expand! Yes, we need your prayers very much!

Just now we have exceeded the number of 100.000 registered users of our digital discipleship platforms! 177 e-coaches are in regular contact with seekers! What a wonderful acceleration we are able to observe in the last years!

The Chosen challenge

And on top of it – The Chosen, the TV series about Jesus is played by the Polish national TV and several other outlets. Over 10 million views are reported, we believe, conservatively, it is some 2 million individuals. What a blessing it is! The main challenge is to get all interested people to “the next step”, and finally – to the Church.

Yes, dear Friends, many of you have been with us for many years and we can now rejoice together seeing God at work! Thank you for your partnering with us

The Chosen display at NRB in Orlando, with Oliwer, coordination of our Polish distribution.

USA trip & ELF conference

Together with Oliwer, our The Chosen project coordinator, I was recently in Orlando, Florida at the National Religious Broadcasting convention. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet old and new friends, watch the trends, develop new relations and – of course – promote our digital discipleship platform.

At the same time, in Wisla – there was the European Leadership Forum, where 5 of our colleagues attended and greatly benefitted from it. So now you perhaps understand better, why we are so energetic and excited for the future!

Many cordial meetings with old friends, here with Bobby Downes.

And here with Dave Jolly, Reach Beyond partner.

With Dan and Lisa Zimbelman, special, fourthy year friendship reunion while in Florida.

Outback season

June is our Outback month, with 3 Outback long weekends planned, already fully booked. For the first time we shall have “Outback University” – with young single adults attending. Please, pray for those weekends, as many people arriving do not know Jesus personally and during that time they may start their new relationship with Him. This is an extremely blessed ministry and we are so happy to be a part of the Global Outback family!

A special set of waiters at Outback romantic dinner.

Music is so important at Outbacks!

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship so much!

God bless you!


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May answered prayers:

  • Continuous growth of the four discipleship platforms run by the Polish ministry. Reaching 100 000 people who are registered on our discipleship platforms in Polish, Ukrainian and English.
  • The Chosen series 2 was already broadcasted on State TV, numerous VOD streams, etc. 10 million views are reported, approx. 2 million individual people.
  • We received further 20 000 New Testaments in Ukrainian language for distribution! Thank you, Jesus.
  • Wonderful trips to Brussels and to Orlando, FL.
  • Finally, our family book, “Sure Foundation” is printed! It tells the story of God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in very turbulent times. If you, Peter, as our special Friend would like to get a copy, please, write to us at with your street address. We will look for the best way to deliver it to you.

Friends, please pray

  • Final touches to the newest software platform GELE 4.0, that could be completed in June.
  • God’s guidance in our expansion plans.
  • Developing cooperation with a US-based organization Gloo!
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our e-learning platforms: in Polish, English and Ukrainian.
  • Finalizing the sale of Radio FEST.
  • Many more laborers to help with the harvest that is huge!
  • Opening hearts of donors to help us expand the ministry in the future, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have stopped.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends: Roland Hinz, Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years.

May 2023 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Testimonials about impact after “Discover Jesus” course on

  • The course helped me, but even more so the coach of the course. She helped me with her support and with the conversations, so it was great that there was an actual person behind it all.
  • It has helped me understand more about God’s plan for redemption
  • I thought that the course was hard work but I understand god more I have learnt a lot.
  • I feel I’ve learnt more than before I started the course and hopefully I will learn more about relationship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit as I take other courses. I enjoyed the course and feel I learnt more of God’s love for me and how it is not us but God Who initiates our relationship with Him and everything else in the Christian faith
  • The Grow Your Life has impacted me to strongly pursue and stand firm in Christ, holding onto the Word of life.