Ministry > June 2024
June 2024 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Dear Friends

How are you doing? How can we pray for you? We do not want to keep our mailing just a one-way communication.

By God’s grace, May was another excellent month for us! It was very busy, as before the usual summer slowdown – all conferences, meetings, workshops have been taking place. It is also an intense time of finishing our tasks on time… I am sure you experience a similar mode…

Six members of our team attended the European Leadership Forum, held here in our Wisla, which made our life much simpler by cutting on travel. As always, we enjoyed a lot of good teaching, general encouragement, as well as many networking opportunities – with 800 participants. For our young staff members it is often a new experience that will enrich their life forever!

On a similar note – two of our young team members went to Thailand for EMDC conference. They returned happy and encouraged, learning a lot but also contributing to the Body of Christ.

European Leadership Forum gathering in Wisla

Our two stands at the Christian concert “To be like Jesus”

With guests from and from Czech Republic

Special meeting with donors

On May 11th, we held a first-ever vision-day for our major Polish donors and potential new donors. There are many things happening currently in our ministry and for most people it can be overwhelming. We’ve shared the vision and mission that drives these activities and gave an update on current blessings and challenges (you can check it at our website,

The main impression of our guests was: how is it possible that we have such a great team of 35 committed, loving the Lord, hard-working people. Yes, I am thanking God for it daily, as teams are the key to any good work. Throughout the years, almost nobody left our staff. We start training some really young team members, even when they are 16 years old, and our team mainly consists of millennials and generation Z. And we want to benefit from their creativity and help them grow, hence so much traveling.

Our special vision-day meeting on May 11th

Some fun with our guests

Season of Outbacks

Two weeks ago we had the first Outback family weekend this year, in a new place in the North of Poland. A new, enthusiastic team was responsible for it and again – we witnessed wonderful transformations in people’s lives! The last weekend – we’ve had two Outbacks simultaneously, and one more is starting tomorrow, as the demand is so significant.
Also in August, in another new location in the East of Poland we will have one for parents with kids and Outback University – just for students.

If you would like to start an Outback in your European country – please, let us know, as we became responsible for its development in Europe and want to move strong!

The first Outback in the North of Poland

Last weekend Outback in our proximity. One of the small groups

Parallel Outback in East of Poland

All flowers were fresh!

The situation in Ukraine

The Ukraine is still struggling, there is a fatigue effect taking over many people while hearing about it. But the facts are – every day many people continue to die there! As we have Ukrainians in our team, we hear firsthand stories from their friends and relatives. For instance, a brother, living in Charkov with his family, sleeping in a room with young daughter while his wife was in the second room with a newly born baby. The bomb separated them, his wife with the kid were killed… The Russian propaganda on social media is focused on US churches (who stand behind Ukraine) sharing many lies about persecutions of evangelicals by Ukrainian government, etc. It is all lies! It is under the Russian occupancy that churches are destroyed, and meetings are strictly forbidden. At the same time – over 36,000 of Ukrainians participated in our online evangelistic and discipleship courses, and over 2,100 – were already contacted by churches on the ground. Thank you, Lord!

The Chosen ambassadors gathering in Warsaw

Finally all four seasons of The Chosen in distribution

New The Chosen puzzle – all possible ways to promote it

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you joined us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship!

God bless you!

Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

May answered prayers:

  • Great conferences that stimulate work and expands vision even more.
  • The Chosen season 4 is finally available, also in Polish. Great anticipation continues.
  • Many people continue to come to our digital discipleship courses and are served by an army of coaches. Meaningful decisions are taken!
  • Our family book, “Sure Foundation” gets many responses from readers! It tells the story of God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in very turbulent times. If you, Friends, as our special Friend, would like to get a copy (if you do not have one, already), please, write to us at with your street address. We will look for the best way to deliver it to you.
  • Wonderful unity and commitment from our staff and volunteers.
  • Good development of our social media presence with hundreds of thousands impacted.

Friends, please pray

  • God’s guidance in our expansion plans. Wisdom, blessing and involvement of new people added to our team.
  • Outback weekends, for many transformed lives.
  • Developing cooperation with new partners around the globe. Talks with 11 prospective partners.
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our e-learning platforms.
  • Wisdom in choosing new ministry opportunities, as there are so many possible paths to take.
  • Opening hearts of donors and Foundations to help us expand the ministry, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have decreased. Our 36 months need is $3 million.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends – Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, Rob Sieval – who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years.
  • Annual conference of our ministry planned for October 11 – 13, 2024. New openings, new people joining!
Current Numbers

May 2024 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Recent Testimonies

“What change do you want to make in your life?”

  • To love, accept and forgive like my Lord – Jesus Christ.
  • I give God my sins and ask Him for help and to always be with me.
  • To come to God and ask for forgiveness, confess my condition and my sins.
  • I want to start and end each day of my life with a conversation with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
  • Open myself back up to the needs of others and not just focus on myself.
  • To believe that my sins have already been redeemed by Jesus’ death on the cross. It had already happened then.
  • Understand that GOD forgives me and loves me despite my failures.
  • I want to trust Jesus and give Him my guilt. Forgive myself and those who hurt me.