Dear Friends,
So many things have happened in the last weeks, which kept me from writing this UPDATE earlier. Now we are already at the beginning of April, so we decided to write this time again a two-month report. As we have recently put a lot of time and energy to rethink what is the best use of our time, the acceleration we see is obvious to us. We operate multiple ministries and projects, but we decided to rethink it (!) focusing only on the ones that make biggest impact. This is why we backed out of our radio operations.
Presently, we describe our whole ministry as “…a vibrant, interdenominational ministry that uses innovation and technology for global evangelism and discipleship”. There are two main “legs” of our operations: The first leg is, “direct ministry”. It covers all we do for Poles, Ukrainians, and English speakers, both on-line and off-line. The second-one is, “equipping partner ministries” – as we are sharing our methodology and software tools with international partners. Soon we should have our brand new DeoLink web page ready, which will precisely explain what all the things we do are and why we do them. It all makes logical sense and is consistent with our vision, mission, and plan.
Filip and I travelled to the States in February. First, I was attending JH Adventures Board meeting, and a strategic decision was made that Poland will become a hub for growth of JH Outback in Europe! This fabulous program, that has rescued hundreds of marriages and families in Poland, will spread, we believe, across Europe! If you are interested in bringing it to your country – please, write to us and we shall respond immediately! On this trip we also met with YouVersion people and had a wonderful time together. We are using their Bible tool in Poland and now we will do even more with it. We also attended the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville. Again, wonderful networking, great discussions on how to utilize Christian films in Poland for long-lasting spiritual fruit.
Back in Poland we joined several planning meetings for Outback weekends (of which we have 8 this year), but also our Ministry Conference, planned for October 11-13th, 2024, in Wisla. This time we plan to have 3 streams – for our coaches, for Outback volunteers and for The Chosen ambassadors. We pray it will be a fantastic, stimulating time!
The Ukrainian work continues, adding new people to digital discipleship platform, but locally also gathering people on small group meetings and in our church. There are many openings, but resources are gone and we face some difficult decisions. We pray for wisdom, as the fruit is fantastic and there are more and more disillusioned Ukrainians around…
As mentioned previously, in April, Franklin Graham is to speak in Krakow. Again, it’s a great opportunity to connect with new people interested in becoming Jesus’ disciples. We shall be involved, helping with digital follow-up.
Yes, we would be very thankful if you joined us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship!
God bless you!
Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.
From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)
people starting their journey to Jesus
people growing in their faith
conversations with E-coaches
“You can be proud of yourself. Thanks to you, I started reading the Bible.”
“Your films reveal the Word of God to people in a very accessible way.”
“Praise God for what He is, and also for the fact that this series of recordings talks beautifully about Him… Great material. It was worth the wait 💙”
“I literally needed this video. I asked God, and I got a fresh video. ❤️”
“I’ve been watching your videos for several hours straight. It’s total AMAZING! Thanks for what you do!”
“Briefly, understandably, to the point, and in accordance with God’s Message contained in the Gospels. Cool. Thanks. Regards.”
“A very beautiful message of Jesus, perfectly explained by you. I also want to apply it in my life!”