Ministry > May 2017
May 2017 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

I am in Warsaw with our team at a mission conference called Zoom. The speaker is Jeff Fountain who, for many years has been co-leader of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). He reminded us that Jesus promised that the Gospel will reach “the utmost parts of the earth”. Suddenly, it became clear to me that our ministry is a part of God’s mega-plan for our times.

Technology developed in our Studio is now being used by a number of international ministries and under active consideration by some others.

Our focus is on “the next step”, helping people who have committed their lives to Christ to grow and progress in their new found faith.


Our e-coaches at Warszwa mission conference

In front of Polin Jewish museum in Warszawa. Worth visiting!

Superbook in polish state TV

In last month’s “Update” I wrote about the placement of the CBN cartoon, Superbook on Polish State TV. Three series, each of 13 episodes, two series already translated into Polish.We have heard that over 3.6 million Poles have already viewed it and now it is being repeated on a children’s channel. Hallelujah! It is hard to determine the impact it has on people, but it definitely adds to God’s mosaic of making people aware of the stories in the Bible

Polish and American Board meetings

We had also our two Board meetings (Polish and American). Always a wonderful opportunity to thank the Lord for His guidance and all the results, but also praying for more! We also had a dinner with members of both Boards with all the staff and their spouses, a foretaste of heaven!

Special dinner with members of both our Boards and polish team with families.

Some Board members in front of a new Radio offices in Gliwice

Trip to Romania

Right after that, our small team, (this time with Hank Paulson, our NEC Board member) went to Romania to help establish/strengthen the Internet ministry there. We’ve prayed for that for quite some time as at the core of is the cooperation of various churches/groups and sometimes an International initiative can trigger things much faster. And it was so! 14 leaders decided to work together and move forward towards reaching Romanians and leading towards discipleship, starting now !An extra joy was to meet the Romanian Outback family, people who are already committed to helping families to grow in a Godly manner. Fantastic fellowship! Thank you, Jesus!

Polish team with Laviniu, our host

Outback family in Romania

New songs!

Our musicians went for the long May weekend (3 national holidays close together) to the Czech Republic to write new songs. Their recent compositions have been well received and contribute something special to our conferences.

Our young team during 3 day music band workshops.


Also this past Monday, our youngest son, Szczepan, (who is currently living in Salzburg, Austria,) went to London for a day to represent us at a meeting with a Christian TV channel specializing in outreach to Muslims. Our software is to be used by them to turn seekers into followers of Jesus. What a joy it is!

Building site

Our building project in Wisla has started, too. Now, it is a big hole instead of our beautiful terrazzo, but we live by faith! A new pavilion is to be added, some 138 square meters (1380 sq, feet) We desperately need that extra space for offices, as now our 16 Wisla staff work is placed in every available space in our house, including two bedrooms!


Big hole, where new office spaces will be added.

Thank You

Thank you, Friend, for being with us all the time, watching God using our small efforts to influence others. And thank you, too, for all your prayers and involvement. You are a significant part of all we do. Keep on, dear friend!

Yours very thankfully,

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Prayer Praise & Requests

April answered prayers:

  • Wonderful Board meetings, great reunion.
  • Superbook broadcast on Polish State TV being such a success!!!
  • Space for new Radio offices in Gliwice already rented, now modified.
  • Unity and spirit of love among staff.
  • George Verver documentary now available in Polish, introduced at ZOOM Mission Conference
  • Great visit to Romania, many passionate people want to go forward, for the Kingdom sake

Friends, please pray

  • Polish launch of Eric Celerier’s “Miracles every day”, (a daily newsletter) planned for May
  • A new production translating into Polish Corrie-ten-Boom documentaries.
  • Launching of Gele (CODEX) 3.0 software platform. Special strength for Tomek who is so tired after working 6 years on this project.
  • New Arabic version of our discipleship platform
  • Preparing Outback weekends in June 2017.
  • Many more e-coaches needed, as the work continues to grow.
  • Good preparation of Studio video promo, as prepared under the direction of John Forrest
  • Radio site move to new offices in Gliwice
  • Building of extra office space in Wisla
  • Blessing at the Vision Synergy Summit in Thailand, opening new partnerships
  • European Journey of Generosity project, blessing for Prague conference in May

European Journey of Generosity project, blessing for Prague conference in May

April 2017 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some of the initial messages received last month from seekers

  • I need help… depression… personality disorders for few years… inner pain… strong suicidal thoughts… divorced last year from a believer… strong fear… I can’t cope with myself… Jesus…
    Woman, 45-54
  • What can I do to be completely free from pornography?
    Man, 22-24
  • Does God really exist?
    Woman, 18-21
  • It’s very kind of you that I can participate in that course.
    Woman, 25-34
  • I just want to talk, that’s all…
    Woman, 18-21
  • I don’t have that relationship with God but I try to understand it and I want it! How to achieve it when nothing in my life changes? I’m afraid… I try not to sin, I go to communion and confession but I return back to my sins… I don’t feel any grace, any support from Him… Do I need to hit rock bottom so he can help me? (…)
    Man, 22-24