Ministry > May 2018
May 2018 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

As you probably know, European Union has introduced new privacy protection laws (GDPR). We believe that the personal data security is very important and that the foundation of that law is good. We want to follow it’s guidelines not only in our direct ministry but also when we’re informing our friends about our progress. That’s why we want to share some information about your data that we’re processing: We (Deorecordings Association – CCM Media, Poland) process your personal data like name, IP and email address to send you a monthly newsletter. Your data is not used for any other goals. You can always unsubscribe form our mailing list by clicking “Unsubscribe” in the bottom of any “Update”. We use external email service provider to deliver you our emails. If you have any questions or requests concerning our handling of your data please contact us by replying to this email. Thank you, for being with us!

Theoretically, harvest time in Poland is in July/August, but for us this year it was May. We were so busy that we were not even able to write an Update newsletter! You know how it is, there are several parallel things happening (all good), and they pile up. Fortunately we have a great team who, by their hard work, effort and frequent hours of overtime, manage to cope with the arduous demands. It is great to watch those young men giving all their talent and sweat to move things forward, building God’s Kingdom.

Gele 3.0 is growing!

As I have written before, our flagship software program, Gele 3.0 (CODEX), written by our IT team (an innovative discipleship tool,) is now available in most of the 23 languages we serve. It has necessitated the collating of all existing date, the rectifying of small bugs, etc.


Gele 3.0 (CODEX) is now available in 23 languages!


The new European Union safety law – GDPR – had to be introduced to all our hundreds of web pages/courses. The process took over two months of intense work, and first our guys had to be trained and certified, etc. And now it is behind us (sighs of relief!!).

A cake to celebrate the completion of GDPR

The Bible project…

Currently we are translating into Polish the complete “The Bible Project”. 70+ videos summarizing every book of the Bible in a contemporary style. We are excited about it, but it will be some 12 months of work for two people.

Deep and engaging animations introducing the books of the Bible.
Watch video

Superbook on DVD…

Also, we have prepared a DVD edition of Super Book (previously translated into Polish), a children’s collection of Bible stories in cartoon format. Great stuff! It has already been transmitted on national TV and attracted an audience numbered in the millions.

We started the production of the first season of Superbook on DVD

Conference and guests…

We had in Wisla a major European Leadership Forum conference with 800 participants that kept many of us seriously involved. At the same time we had in our home/office four friends from Columbia whom we trained in Internet Evangelism. Again, a great time, a real multiplication process.

Great team from Columbia during one week Internet ministry training in Poland with our mentors and coaches Board meeting…

During this time I went to Rotterdam for the Board meeting. It was my last meeting as I am stepping down after the maximum two terms of serving on the Board. It was a good time as our Dutch friends have moved into a new office in a water tower overlooking canals and the city. I was deeply moved by the kind words from the other Board members, all united and passionate about reaching the World for Christ!

Friends from Netherlands have a new office.

Building project…

We are also involved a small way in the project of building a new center for our Malinka church. Here is a link to a short video describing the project. The film has been produced by our creative team.

Short Promo that we’ve produced for our church building project
Watch video

Outback is coming…

At the same time, our Andrew was traveling to Ukraine, Czech Republic and Croatia to help with establishing/stimulating Outback work there. And now – we are starting an “Outback season” – 3 weekends, starting Fridays, with “parent-child” and “couples” programs (as already described many times in earlier Updates). This year, for the first time, we are assisting our Czech brothers with their first Outback. Then we have two Polish Outbacks. (Finally, another Polish Outback in September, and Czech too, but then they will do it themselves .) Lastly, a Global Outback “Excel” conference, also held in Wisla.

The “Outback season” is starting! Last weekend we’ve helped with “Outback Czech Republic”

And all the time, our regular correspondence with seekers is going on. Over 400 new exchanges daily, all handled by our 150 active coaches. This is really the most important part of the ministry, when people discover their Saviour! We hope that Summer will be little slower, but then – there are number of conferences, festivals, events, etc. Life is good (and fruitful, I believe!).

Friends, we deeply appreciate your friendship! Thank you for all your prayers and standing with us, sharing common vision and the work! Yours in Him Henryk

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Prayer Praise & Requests

April answered prayers:

  • Good visit in the Netherlands, long term plans of cooperation with established.
  • Completion of GDPR implementation.
  • Wonderful time with Columbian friends trained in Wisla.
  • Receiving some financial help. Hallelujah!
  • Great team work during this very intense time for us.

Friends, please pray

  • “Catching a breath” as people are now quite exhausted.
  • Making needed documentation for GELE software, including a new web page about the system.
  • Finding a good distribution channel for our software products.
  • Increasing our Radio audience, getting more advertisement income.
  • Seeing even more people deciding to follow the Lord as His disciples, using all available tools. Using Summer as a new opportunity (For what?).
  • Grace in getting needed financial help to be able to cover all our expenses.
  • Building project of our church – we shall be using some of the new space for conferences, too.

Poland, April 2018 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some of the initial messages received from the seekers in April

  • How to pray that prayer would be a conversation with God, not only a duty?
    Woman, 35-44
  • I really want a closer relationship with God, I want to learn to discern the will of God. Can you help me with this?
    Man, 55-64
  • Does God hear all our prayers?
    Man 22-24
  • Do not I deserve love and happiness in life with another person?
    Woman, 25-34
  • I need support, conversation … I broke up with someone who is most important on the world for me, but he did not appreciate it, he still lied to me … we’re not together for a week, and I can not keep up … I’m still in prayer…
    Woman, 18-21
  • “Miracles every day” began to come to my inbox, at a very difficult moment for me. Severe illness of the husband and mother, a chronic illness of granddaughter, it seemed all inconceivable, but this daily word of God poured out comfort and hope in my heart. I am calm because I know that God can do anything and there is nothing impossible for him. Woman, 35-44