Ministry > May 2020
May 2020 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

I hope you are doing well in this strange time! Even when life’s difficulties and the challenge of the looming economic slowdown gives cause for concern, we have the comfort of knowing that we are, ultimately, on His winning side! We live on God’s promises and He lives in us! Do you remember the sinking boat and Jesus quieting the storm? Just relax and do what the Lord is planning for you every day!

Health problem…

For the first time in my long life I experienced a physical problem; an uncontrollable nose bleed caused by high blood pressure. It has stabilized now, it was a salutary reminder that life is passing and we should pray more earnestly to release His power more mightily into our ministry!


Meeting of encouragement and prayer with group of E-coaches


Time of harvest!

For us, now, it seems a time of harvest! We have been involved in digital outreach since July 2008 and now, with people spending so much more time in front of their screens, (many worrying,) we have five times more people signing-up to our evangelistic and discipleship courses! April was record month for our Polish online ministry with 1755 new people signing to discipleship courses.

We have so many online meetings now, partners, unpaid team members and volunteers in different areas of our ministry. Just yesterday we had a prayer meeting with our e-coaches; I was incredibly encouraged to see the depth of conviction and commitment by quite a number of people! We strive to help so many people, many of them struggling with chaotic lives! There are also some new initiatives. As we cannot hold our three Outback family weekends planned for June, we intend to start a weekly, online Outback TV . I just counted recently, we have seven online prayer groups I am involved in. And, as we know the Lord answers prayers, we look into even better future!


New course about dealing with pain – thank You Joni! 🙂


What next?

Yes, there are some big question marks. Should we hold our annual live gathering E-coach Conference at the end of August, or move it to on-line? Our ladies have already decided to move their Women’s Breakfast (with usual attendance of 800 ladies in a great Wisla hotel) to the on-line version. As I hear some snippets of their planning I can tell it’s going to be very creative! (And tasty!)

And, yes, we are praying for the Lord’s mercy as far as funding. Most of our expenses (68%) we have covered in 2019 with our invoiced revenue, from sales of our advertisements on radio or Studio services. That’s now down 50%. So we pray we shall be able to fill it up with donations. The paradox is – we have now the best time ever as far as spiritual outcome, and at the same time – serious problems with cash. It keeps us on our knees.


Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


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Prayer Praise & Requests

April answered prayers:

  • Increased traffic on our discipleship platform. Promotion worked really well!
  • Many new creative ideas for sharing the gospel with interested people.
  • Spirit of unity and involvement of staff and “unpaid team members”.
  • Good health for all our contacts, e-coaches, helpers.
  • More prayer than ever.

Friends, please pray

  • Due to coronavirus training for Bogusia and my brother, Adam, writing a Polish version of “A Miracle Every Day” had to be delayed. Please, pray it will happen before long!
  • So many new opportunities due to coronavirus! Lord’s help to get the real “key” to the hearts of so many troubled people!
  • In May some much needed remodelling of our “old” office: we would like to do it fast and in the least disruptive manner, now, when most of our staff work from home! We must add workspace for new people…
  • Money for survival of our Radios, when the income has dropped by 50% and there are no reserves.
  • Development of “Outback TV” in Poland, as we can not run three June weekends. Great ideas and many people getting involved.
  • Prayer for Justyna, Filip’s wife. They expect a second child and she faces possibility of miscarriage, she’s now is hospital.

Poland, April 2020 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some testimonials from the new course by Joni Eareckson Tada “How to deal with pain”?:

  • An excellent course, which helped me to better understand the problem of suffering. My conclusions are: no suffering should ever cover the heaven I’m heading for. No matter how I feel, God sees it clearly and cares about me. In my life I should rather think about how my personal experiences may help others to rise up from their hardships. There are many people who feel lonely and abandoned in their suffering and this is not the case. Jesus Christ wants to help each of them.
  • Everything was very moving. I identified my life with Joni’s life. Everything was important to me and helped me. I will probably come back for this course as long as it is active.
  • I understood that God is with me. Recent difficult experiences (a virus that takes a deadly harvest, losing my job, my health problems) caused suffering and doubt. I was in church today and prayed. I came home and saw this message in my mailbox. Coincidence? I do not think so.
  • Joni, thank you so much for sharing your testimony. You are an amazing person who gives hope and infects joy. Your faith is worth following. Thank you.
  • Thank you, Joni, for your determination and tremendous faith. Course with you strengthened me and allows me to go on despite the pain I sometimes feel.