Ministry > November 2022
November 2022 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

As you know, the origins of “Thanksgiving” can be traced back to 1621 when the Pilgrim Fathers started celebrating harvest. It is now generally celebrated every year as a national holiday, usually on the third Thursday in November in the USA. Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Liberia.

Dear Friends,

It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest of the current year. Similarly named festive holidays occur in Germany and Japan. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and around the same part of the year in other places. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.

We are also greatly indebted to you our loyal readers, prayer partners and donors, without you it would be extremely difficult to operate (and, occasionally) impossible, though we yearn for expansion. And we want to grow because we believe the media are presently a major battlefield for spiritual warfare and for a number of years here in Poland we have been developing and implementing strategies that really work and their success is measurable. It means, they can reach millions (and they do!!!)

Yes, there are thousands of “new believers” whom we know (and are occasionally meeting) who learned about God’s Good News via the many ways we provide.

Pandemic and the Ukraine war has greatly enhanced the speed of those tools! Our “four year plan” was already reached after one and half years. Presently, our Ukrainian discipleship portal, averages 60 new students every day, people who want to learn how to be a disciple of Jesus! All four platforms that we manage bring daily some 100 new people, with a record of 133!

Friends from Ukraine, filming some messages.

And, as you already know – as distributors of the Polish language version of The Chosen series – we want to reach 15 million Poles, praying for 2% open to becoming followers of Jesus. Recently we were in Warsaw, our capital city, talking to the State television TVP and they want to air it! Their reach is some 10 million viewer. But there are several more channels we plan to use, including direct promotion in Catholic parishes – 10.000 of them, Alpha groups, Evangelical Poland, etc. Such a massive scale of plans means we need to get more people, mostly volunteers, so called “ambassadors”, but also some new members of staff. Could you imagine a crowd of 300.000 people? Some 3 major football stadiums.

Visiting state TV to discuss The Chosen performance.

Planning strategy for The Chosen promotion with Cracow friends.

The help for Ukraine still goes on. There are many opportunities and needs. Today our van is transporting 10 power generators to the Ukrainian border.

Humanitarian help for Ukrainians packaged in bags referring to our discipleship courses.

In Cherson when bridges were destroyed our bags with aid were transported on the boat.

Earlier in October, we organized in our office a Faith Driven Investors/Faith Driven Entrepreneurs conference, attending, by zoom – global program aired from California. Excellent opportunity to get closer relations with some new people, besides listening to a great content, of course!

Six of us have also attended a conference held in Rotterdam, Netherlands organized by friends who originally have introduced us to the Internet opportunity already in 2006. Now there are some 120 partners around the globe, working in 40 languages and many of them are using our discipleship software, GELE/Codex developed and serviced by our team in Wisla, Poland. It was a great time of encouragement and new plans.

Attending conference in Rotterdam.

On a personal note: many, many years ago I loved to fly gliders. One of the highlights was – when I have flown a high altitude flight on so called “wave” – strong wind in the high Tatra mountains causes air to create a wave with some areas uplifting to really high altitude. In 1974 I have flown my “diamant into gold badge” by reaching an altitude of around 8 km, (6 kilometers over the place where I was left by a towing plane) flying in -40 Celsius/-40 Fahrenheit, in special faircoat, with oxygen mask, etc.

On my 70th birthday – my children have presented me with a voucher to fly over Tatras in a glider – what a nostalgic but happy time! And I was still piloting (even when instructor was sitting behind me). Thank you, children! What a happy man I am!

After 46 years I fly again my beloved glider!

You in America have baseball, We in Poland enjoy ski jumping!

Easier to watch then to jump 🙂

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship so much!

God bless you!


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September answered prayers:

  • Good growth of the discipleship platforms run by Polish ministry – four by now! More brands causes more traffic (!) Again, record numbers achieved!
  • The Chosen Season 1 already translated into Polish
  • Yes, we found a great leader to coordinate The Chosen project, good friend, many years Outback volunteer, Oliver Cieslar. But as he is leaving his former job, he will not be full time with us until February.
  • Great blessing of the Ukrainian projects.
  • Two new courses launched on our platforms.
  • Great, stimulating conference in Rotterdam.
  • Starting a cooperation with Community Bible Studies – more about it in next Update

Friends, please pray

  • Spirit of cooperation and partnership around The Chosen project, as we invite a number of organizations to be closely involved: Alpha Poland, Evangelical Poland.
  • Signing a contract with State TVP for The Chosen series.
  • Developing cooperation with US based Gloo! organization.
  • New courses, that are in our pipeline on our e-learning platforms: in Polish, English and Ukrainian.
  • Many more laborers to help with the harvest that is huge!
  • With the end of year season approaching, opening hearts of donors to help us expand the ministry in the future.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends: Roland Hinz, Phil Butler, Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, who are so much a part of our ministry over many years

October 2022 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Messages we receive from readers of “Words for Today”

  • When I read the reflections, it’s as if I was being guided in which direction to go. Every day I get tips on what else I should do and what I don’t do systematically. God is good and shows me the solution from all sides. It’s amazing!!! Glory, Glory to God for this !!! Thank you very much to the SND team for the great „job”.
  • The reflections I receive every morning go straight to the heart of my life. I feel as if they were specially written for me. When reading the reflections, I also look into the Holy Scriptures, thanks to which I meditate and pray with the words of the Bible. God bless you for beautiful reflections.
  • Dear, I share from my heart that God really works. Just by this word I read here. I have personally experienced many God’s consolations in difficult times in my life. I strongly believe that many of you experience this as well. May God continue to bless this word and those who take care of it.
  • This text is a guide and a comfort since I walk with God!
  • Meditations give me spiritual strength every day. They strengthen my faith. Thank you very much.