Ministry > October / November/December 2023
October / November/December 2023 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Our September Outback season was greatly blessed – again and again, new people were confronted with a godly opportunity of resolving many of their problems, under the cross!

I’m curious about your perspective, but from where I’m sitting life seems to be speeding up with unprecedented pace! To an extent that I had hardly a chance to write our UPDATE newsletter on time! A lot of time spent on planes, in meetings, conferences, etc. but the outcome is very positive – we see God’s momentum in our work, everyone on our team is motivated and gives their heart towards growing God’s Kingdom! And as everybody have different talents, the outcome is often surprising, in a positive way!

In the coming Christmas Season our whole team sends you special wishes of having quality time with the Lord and family.

Our stand at the Evangelical Poland annual conference.

Future of Outback Polska

Our September Outback season was greatly blessed – again and again, new people were confronted with a godly opportunity of resolving many of their problems, under the cross! We had many more candidates to attend Outback weekends than available spaces, therefore next year – 3 new locations are planned to launch, led by local believers who also experienced its impact in their own lives! Please pray for Gdansk, Poznan and Bieszczady (on top of the present h2o and Podkarpacie venues). God willing, we shall have 8 or 9 Outback weekends next year! It is a major effort for our team of staff and volunteers, but fortunately our US friends expressed their willingness to help as well! Filip and I have just returned from the US JH Outback Board meeting in Birmingham, AL. It was a wonderful time of constructive fellowship with wonderful, godly people, all believing that the work with families and young people is very effective!

E-coach conference

We also had our annual e-coach conference – this time held in nearby Ustron. We had 130 attendees and an amazing time of fellowship, sharing, carrying one-another’s burdens, and listening to thought-provoking talks starting with a question: Is it worthwhile? Yes, we agreed that committing thousands of hours to converse with people seeking the best path in their life is worthwhile! The direct fulfillment of Acts 1:8! Staying in the center of His will gives us a purpose and joy…

Music and worship have an important place at our E-coach conference.

Surprise, surprise, our whole family brother and sister with spouses are ecoaching on various platforms of our digital disciple making

Trip to USA

While in America, we were invited to events connected with the 25th anniversary of establishing the International Leadership Institute. We have been closely cooperating with them since 2006 and our personal friendship with Wes and Joy Griffin turned to Wes being a chairman of our US Board of the New Europe Communications. The Lord is using ILI in a wonderful way, with over 400 000 leaders in over 165 countries who were trained in the 8 core values of a disciple. Poland is one of those countries. Cordial fellowship with many old and new friends, altogether very encouraging.

Wonderful celebration of 25 years of incredible outreach of International Leadership Institute.

Another reason for this trip was to talk to potential users of our digital discipleship platform. We had a number of great encounters, and we believe we are moving forward. A good tool in the hands of dedicated, committed people could bring a real acceleration of reaching millions for Christ!

With Mark Weston.

At the meeting with the Church in the Highlands in Bermingham, AL.

A wonderful visit of Chuck Bentley and Handre deJongh in our studio in Wisla.

Ambassadors The CHOSEN

We had also a great meeting with “ambassadors” of The Chosen film series. It was held in Gliwice, some people were traveling 400 miles to join the group! It is all in preparation for a Polish premiere of season IV, after Los Angeles and London – in top Warszawa cinema planned January 26, 2024. Several actors will join us from the USA! We pray it will bring a huge promotion and publicity, for the glory of the Lord!

The CHOSEN ambassadors enthusiastic about using this film to reach more people in Poland.

Upcoming changes

We have also recently completed the work on our new “constitution” – where after 48 years we redefined our vision, mission, and values. We committed to it literally hundreds of hours, as we prayed that it shall reflect what is in our hearts and become a clear guideline for the future. It was accepted already by our General Assembly. We want to be very clear describing our best model of being a follower of Christ., both for staff and volunteers, but also all thousands of the “new” people that are joining the family of God. Here are the key elements of it:


1. About DEOlink

Our tagline

Connecting millions and walking with individuals

Who we are?

We are a vibrant Bible based, interdenominational ministry practicing innovation and technology for Global evangelism and discipleship. Starting in Poland in difficult days of communism (1975) we were always looking for the most effective ways to connect and engage people with the Gospel. Today we serve also partners in over 27 languages sharing our proven practices and methods continually refined over decades.

Our vision

Our vision is to see millions of individuals around the world starting a personal relationship with Jesus, growing as His disciples, and allowing the Holy Spirit to influence every aspect of their life and community, walking with them on that journey.

Our mission

We use innovative strategies and technologies to walk with people towards Christ and we share proven solutions globally.

Our 2030 objectives (reached by us and our partners)

  • 5,000,000 people starting their journey to Jesus.
  • 1,000,000 people growing in their faith.
  • 700,000 people walking with a Christian on that journey.
  • 10,000 people engaging in multiplication.

2. Our Values

1. God first

  • We love God, trust and obey Him. [Mt. 22;37]
  • We’re committed to grow personal relationship with Jesus through Holy Spirit [Jer.4;6]
  • Above human wisdom, we seek direction from God and through faith we rely on his promises [Rom. 8;38, Prov. 3;5]
  • The Bible is our cornerstone and reference [John 1;25]
  • We always give glory to Him [Eph. 3;20-21]

2. Loving people

  • We put relations with people ahead of money, things and processes. [Mt. 22;39]
  • We care for the long-term spiritual progress of people we connect with
  • We treat others with cordiality, patience and respect [Rom.13;8]
  • We’re ready to go „an extra mile” to serve others [Mt 5;41]
  • We’re open to share and cooperate with other likeminded people and organizations [Mt. 10;8]

3. Walking the talk

  • We keep promises [Prov. 21;23]
  • We share mistakes and learn from it
  • We don’t say things about others that we’re not willing to share with them [Rom. 12;10]
  • We remember that God sees us always [Mt. 6; 18b]

4. Responsibility

  • We’re wholeheartedly committed to our vision [1 Tym. 4;15]
  • We strive for excellence in all we do [Mt.5;48]
  • We steward our time and money wisely [Prov. 16;3]
  • We make most decisions with their long-term impact in mind [Phil. 1;6]
  • We contribute whenever we feel that we can add value [Gal. 6;9]

5. Gratitude lifestyle

  • We owe to God everything [2 Peter 1;3, Rom. 12;1]]
  • We’re rejoicing and celebrating the milestones [Phil. 3;1]
  • Our passion attracts new followers, partners, and team members [Rom.12, 11]
  • We model Christ-like lifestyle [Phil. 2;15]

6. Innovation

  • We’re open to changes and improvements [Prov. 11;14]
  • We’re curious and always look for a better solution. [2 Tym. 1;7]
  • We’re not afraid of trying and failing [Phil. 3;12]
  • We strive to simplify wherever possible [Prov. 11;23a]

3. What we do?

DEOlink fulfills it’s mission by operating number of ministries targeting different audiences and by supporting other Christian organizations with tools and services that expand their impact.

4. Our structure

The formal structure of DEOlink consists of 2 legal entities:

  • DEOlink – a non-profit association with the board of 8 members, President: Henryk Król
  • Studio DR – a for-profit company providing professional support, tools and services to Direct Ministry initiatives and all Global Partners. It is fully owned by DEOlink, President: Filip Król

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship so much!

God bless you!



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Answered October & November prayers:

  • Talks with the potential buyer of our Radio CCM are progressing well. It should be completed before Christmas. The new buyer will allow daily Christian programming on the air
  • Over 15 million views of The Chosen, some coming to our follow-up funnel. Major preparations for January season 4 premiere are progressing well.
  • We get record number of interested people starting discipleship path on our digital platforms. It seems 2023 will be our best year yet, at least two times higher number that 2022!
  • Our family book, “Sure Foundation” gets many responses from readers! It tells the story of God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in very turbulent times. If you would like to get a copy if you do not have one, please, write to us at with your street address. We will look for the best way to deliver it to you.
  • Wonderful unity and commitment from our staff and volunteers, great e-coach conference.
  • Good development of our social media presence with hundreds of thousands impacted.


Friends, please pray

  • Completing the process of selling CCM Radio Network.
  • God’s guidance in our expansion plans.
  • Developing cooperation with new partners around the globe.
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our e-learning platforms: in Polish, English and Ukrainian.
  • Many more laborers to help with the harvest that is huge!
  • Opening hearts of donors to help us expand the ministry in the future, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have decreased.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends: Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years.

October & November 2023 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Testimonials from “The CHOSEN” TV series:
  • I love this movie! Thanks to it, I am even closer to Jesus, who is my idol.
  • I love this series. I sincerely recommend it. It makes you think, arouses curiosity and encourages you to read the Holy Scriptures.
  • This series showed me that everyone has a chance for salvation, that no one loves us like God!
  • The series helped me survive chemotherapy!
  • Thanks to this series, I started reading the Holy Bible (…). Thank you… Now I want to be a better person and follow Jesus