December 2024
Dear Friends, In this last month of the year I want to greet you warmly and pass our heart-felt wishes for a wonderful time of experiencing Christ in a special way – in this season of remembering His birth! Amid global turmoil – He is the Prince [...]
Dear Friends, In this last month of the year I want to greet you warmly and pass our heart-felt [...]
Dear Friends, In this “grey month”, I send you warm greetings and God’s encouragement, based on [...]
Dear Friends, I’m sending you fresh greetings from Poland! September was quite busy for [...]
Dear Friends, I’m sending you special greetings from sunny Poland! I like the summer months so [...]
Dear Friends, Special greetings from sunny Poland! Thank you for your prayers! A week ago, I [...]
Dear Friends How are you doing? How can we pray for you? We do not want to keep our mailing [...]
Dear Friend Spring is an excellent time to work and plan. We here in Wisla are working full [...]
Dear Friends, So many things have happened in the last weeks, which kept me from writing this [...]
Dear Friends, The new year started some time ago and all of us, I believe, are busy doing our [...]