Ministry > September 2018
September 2018 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

The months are passing quickly and so many things are happening it is impossible to give you the full picture. As the ministry (by God’s goodness) is spreading its influence into the lives of ever more people, we have literally lost count! In a number of projects, we have just a part the work. The vast majority is done by Spirit-guided Nationals, at present in 25 languages. But we feel a sense of urgency about the time of grace and the opportunities we have right now.

Some glimpses:

Outback Weekend and Outback Excel international symposium

In September, another Polish Outback weekend, (100 guests + 126 volunteers + some 30 observers) just after Czech Outback, in this same Polish resort, H2O. God’s presence was evident in so many touched lives.


Outback Fall 2018, many stories of changed hearts through God’s Word and Testimony of our volunteers


This time, we had with us number of delegates from all over the world, because (just after it) we hosted a Global Outback Summit. It was an incredible time. We were 48 leaders and God was speaking to us. As one of my colleagues has summarized: “Now I am not surprised, that Outback events are so effective, as I watched the leadership’s commitment to prayer”. Very practical talks and exercises challenged into deeper commitment and work.


International Symposium Outback Excel – 48 leaders from 10 countries came to Wisla


EGCC conference

A few days later we went to the Czech capital, Prague, for the European Great Commission Collaboration Summit where our technical team, led by Filip, provided all the technology backup. It was another excellent fellowship of major donors, a movement started by our friend and Board member, Adam Walach. An extremely stimulating and uplifting time with over 80 participants from 12 countries!


Unique gathering of Christian donors with focus on Europe


Professional audio-video, multimedia, multi-camera streaming and recording services we offer to Christian events


GELE & Middle East Evangelism conference

At this same weekend – our other son, Szczepan, was in Helsinki for a conference about Internet evangelism among Muslims. Our flagship web aplication, Gele (CODEX), was presented there as an option to increase impact of different communication channels (Satellite TV, Social Media, Internet web and applications, etc) by adding solid discipleship tools and strategy. Several groups are interested in pursuing this.


Learn more about Gele at

News from the Radio

Krzysztof, CCM CEO, and two leading Radio staff, Asia and Milena, attended a Christian Radio Conference in Orlando, Florida. Here is what Krzysztof writes:


“The conference, called Momentum, was recommended by Heide Jones, a member of NEC (our US consultative Board).

Momentum includes an exhibition featuring many Christian organizations, training, Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) events, and many other things we wanted. It is aimed at broadcasters of Christian music and offered lectures, preaching, panel discussions, etc.

We were able to glean the latest facts and information about the likely future of radio, technology, market research, marketing, promotion, building market position, etc.

Approx. 250 broadcasters attended predominantly from US, some from Europe.

There were also concerts by over 20 leading US Christian artists which every day brought us some new songs.

We cultivated a large number of contacts who, we believe, will help us improve our programs and programming in the future.

We also met Moses Mathenge from a station in Nairobi. We feel he will be a great help in our mentoring of Fidelite Radio in Niger.

Also we did a presentation of GELE 3 (see September 2018 Update), we were only given a small time slot but three organizations have shown encouraging interest.

We returned to Poland with thankful hearts to God, encouraged and revitalized.”


Joanna Mider (Administrative Director) and Milena Kasprzyk (Producer)

With Heide Jones.

10 years of “Looking for God” in Poland…

Our “every day ministry” goes on bringing us closer to our annual climax, the e-coach conference, planned for October 12 – 14. Please, pray for it! It will be our 10th conference (yes, already 10 years of our Internet outreach with!). We have over 200 participants signed so far and more are planning to come, WOW! The focus is on effectively “making disciples”, life transformation and impact for eternity. We expect wonderful things, as the Lord said: “He will be where two or three gather in His name” and we plan to be many, many more. If you can, please, plan to join us at this time of celebration, prayer and search of new ways to communicate the gospel to ever changing World.

We pray the Lord will help us to reach many, many more.

“Making disciples” – this year’s conference theme.
See the invitation from Dave Patty.

Friends, we deeply appreciate your friendship! Thank you for all your prayers and standing with us, sharing common vision and the work!

Yours in Him


Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

August answered prayers:

  • Four wonderful conferences are behind us, we feel so inspired, wonderful answer of prayers!
  • Spiritual refreshing to number of our staff and volunteers!
  • More and more episodes of “the Bible Project” – in Polish – completed.
  • The first run of Superbook children videos with Bible stories is distributed, very well received.
  • Pavel, son of Filip and Justyna are at home now, after some after-birth complications.

Friends, please pray

  • The plan to start two additional Outback weekends next year in the South-East of Poland.
  • Grace, to spread the Outback model to Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Germany, in 2019 – 2020
  • Starting a Christian film streaming service (VOD) in Poland planned for 2019. Requires translating many more films into Polish, major effort and investment
  • Getting funding for a 10 year extension of Radio FEST license, 100.000 EUR (!). Now we need “just” 40.000 EUR, as the rest is promised as a matching donation.
  • Completing an application for connecting donors, “Connected Giving”
  • Building and implementing a new concept – phone app for ensuring spiritual growth people after Outback
  • Seeing even more people deciding to follow the Lord as His disciples. Our annual conference becoming a breakthrough!
  • Wisdom in planning the future. We see many opportunities, but understand it is more important to stay focused on what works the best.
  • We pray for additional funding for our ministry, to maintain the momentum.
  • Special blessing for the development of our new church building that is to be like a community center.

Poland, September 2018 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Excerpts from our last Outback surveys:

  • Lots of emotions. I’ll never forget all what has happened. My heart was softened. It was like a come back from the dark side of life.
  • God, through Outback, answered my cry of despair about our marriage. Jesus allowed me to see my sin and He took my burden.
  • I believe, that what I have nailed to the cross has lost it’s power over me. I’m free!
  • I’ve reconciled with my dad.
  • For the first time in my life, I’ve evaluated myself, my life. I thought about myself as an irreproachable person, until now. Here I understood the truth.
  • I would like to keep my engagement pure until the wedding. (son)
  • I’ve found courage to intimately talk with my son and experienced pleasure in being together and listening to him.
  • I’ve experienced emotional but not yet spiritual transformation.
    But I let the thought, that God Himself can help me with that.
  • I’ve loved my group. Here within the group, I’ve experienced the greatest emotion in my life.
  • I’ve overcame my fear and the barriers separating me from my husband.
    I’ve experienced transformation out of sadness to joy, out of internal confusion to balance.
  • Nailing my sin to the cross was the most profound experience for me.
    I’ve discovered a new gift of marriage. Understood that what in general understanding – seems impossible, is possible!
  • Being among all those very joyful people makes me want to live like them.
  • The date with my own husband – that was something marvelous!
  • My relationship with my dad is much better. I’ve deepen also my faith and reflected upon my life. I came here with a very negative attitude, now I’m leaving happy.
  • I’ve paused for a while, and broke my comfort zone.
  • I liked the world without watches, mobile phones, etc. (child)