Ministry > September 2023
September 2023 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Dear Friends, summer is over, many of us were able to get some rest and had a chance to think about the future. My personal conclusion is that the future is great, because we are in the hands of our Lord.

So many times we have experienced His faithfulness, that despite everything that is happening around us, we may just follow His guidance! What a relief!

Back in Poland, with John and Marry Stamm who led in Poland English Camps.

Our special cohort at Christian Economic forum in San Diego.

With Ann and Chuck Bentley, John Handelsman and Bill Hightower at CEF.

During the summer months, we had a wonderful privilege to meet some of our Friends and Partners, who meant so much to us and who influenced our lives and ministry so much!

Wonderfull reunion with dear friends Dr. Harold Sala, Darlene and Bonny. Many years partners.

With Williams family in Enid, Oklahoma.

Future of DEOrecordings

But it was also a good opportunity to pray and strategize for our next moves. As some of our staff is dedicated to different projects, we held two-day offsites to brainstorm the best future actions. One of the hot topics was how to adjust our current structure to the new directions that we are moving towards. We started our work 48 years ago, whereas so much has changed since then! As a music group DEOdecyma (ten for God) we were reaching some 4500 people a year, the Communism was down (at least in Poland), freedom, many opportunities, but what to choose? Nobody was even dreaming about today’s options…

Brainstorming meeting with our staff on future of DEOrecordings

As mentioned previously, now that recordings are some 2% of our activities – we want to replace the name “DEOrecordings” (recordings for God) into a more appropriate one that describes what we really do. Presently, our favorite new name for our non-profit association is: DEOlink (linking with God). How do you like it?

Radio FEST

Yes, Radio FEST is finally sold! Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. Recently our Board decided to back down from radio activities altogether, as it costs more and more while spiritual results are challenging to track. Having very effective digital tools, we want to focus on what brings the best, measurable results. This was not an easy decision – we experienced so many answered prayers and have seen some great responses, but time is passing and methods must be adjusted to be good stewards of all the resources.

Ukrainian Team

The Ukrainian team that works with us in Wisla has reached another milestone: 20 000 people on the discipleship platform! Thank you, Jesus! Presently the majority of students live in Ukraine and after they complete a course – church ambassadors pay them a visit and bring a special present: a book, or a Bible and invite to visit their church. Over 1 000 such instances have already happened! It is called “the courier of hope”.

Ukrainian team after two-day brainstorming session on the future


Just now we are in the middle of Outback weekends – the first September-one was just finished and the second – starts tomorrow, as I write it. The results are very much the same – tens (!) of families reunited, discovering Jesus! I wish you could see it yourself! Next year we plan and pray to add 3 new sites, as the interest is huge! Please, pray for it with us!

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship so much!

God bless you!


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September answered prayers:

  • The newest version of our mentoring/discipling software 4.0 is finished and now being installed on all the served platforms.
  • After some nervous discussions with the State TV, The Chosen season 3 is to be aired starting December, presently distributed on DVDs. There are at least 13 million views by at least 2 million people in Poland!
  • After an over 2-year-process, Radio FEST was sold! Thank you, Lord!
  • Our family book, “Sure Foundation” gets first responses from readers! It tells the story of God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in very turbulent times. If you, Friends, as our special Friend would like to get a copy, please, write to us at with your street address. We will look for the best way to deliver it to you.
  • Several great videos with testimonials were filmed, very strong stories of God transforming life!
  • Many new development ideas are being discussed and implemented, even a presence on Tik-tok (for The Chosen).

Friends, please pray

  • Accelerating the process of selling CCM Radio network.
  • God’s guidance in our expansion / rebranding plans.
  • Developing cooperation with new partners around the globe.
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our e-learning platforms: in Polish, English and Ukrainian.
  • Many more laborers to help with the harvest that is huge!
  • Opening hearts of donors to help us expand the ministry in the future, also in the context of Ukraine, as the work grows but donations have decreased.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends: Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years.

August 2023 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Testimonials from “Second Step” platform that connects with people with addictions:

  • It was the first course I had. Very well prepared and organized. I am grateful to you because this course renewed my mind and thanks to it I learned what exactly and how dangerous pornography is and how to free myself from it. Thank you for the path to freedom. May God reward you everything.
  • It is the best I have ever experienced, so much knowledge, various materials, summary available for download, I recommend it to anyone who has a problem with pornography
  • Very useful, professionally described, supported by two testimonies of recovery from pornography addiction thanks to God’s grace and strength. Very valuable tips for everyday use, also useful in the case of other addictions, including the Internet, games, etc.
  • I realized where I was and followed the instructions. I feel much better now. At the same time, I became aware of the intention of other activities – behavioral triggers that unintentionally absorbed my attention and took up my time.
  • For me, the course turned out to be helpful, I came across it at the right time, it gave me strength and instilled the idea that you don’t have to be a slave to addiction for the rest of your life, you can end it.