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How it all started

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been 49 years since 10 passionate, young, entrepreneurial musicians felt called to share their hope and faith in Jesus with as many Poles as possible. We formed a band named “DEOdecyma” (Ten for God). In those days music seemed to be the best vehicle for spreading God’s hope and the Gospel message. Soon DEOdecyma was invited to churches all over Poland and many came to faith in Jesus Christ. This same passionate spirit and culture is alive and thriving today in our ministry. Soon after, interest in our recordings arose—but there was no way to record Christian songs due to omnipresent censorship and lack of private studios.

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With God’s leading, we decided to build our own professional music recording studio hidden in the mountains of Poland. This saga of building a recording studio was full of miracles and was finally completed in 1986, when “DEOrecordings” studio opened. Three years later, freedom from communism came to Poland. Thousands of Christian recordings were completed over the years and over one million audio cassettes/CDs were produced. DEOrecordings expanded our reach, adding a number of translated multimedia materials from leading International Christian sources to enable follow-up to people who indicated an interest in growing in Jesus Christ.

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We began to look for opportunities to increase our reach to even more people beyond Christian audiences. In 1997, our next step was to add an FM radio network of 6 stations named, “Radio CCM,” that was active for 25 years.

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A real breakthrough came in 2006, when we were able to join the digital outreach of jesus.net. That’s when we decided to prioritize digital evangelism, expecting this to be a real opportunity for sharing the Gospel to the world. Soon it evolved into holistic, Jesus Christ-disciple making. As we moved forward into digital evangelism, we recognized that there were no effective software tools to manage the opportunity—so our in-house team developed a much-needed system. Today our latest version, “Gele”, is gaining popularity among a number of international partners as a unique evangelism tool on a global scale.

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To better reflect our mission and vision, we changed our name to “DeoLink.” We have added several online and offline tools, brands, and projects so we can respond better to the needs of users. We use a holistic approach that extends into offline settings (like small groups, family weekends or the Church).

DeoLink has a full-time staff of 35 which includes 11 engineers. There are also approximately 400 unpaid team members (volunteers) who work as e-coaches doing person-to-person mentoring for thousands of seekers.
Our objective is to always be flexible, innovative, and investigating the best ways to reach the hearts and minds of young contemporaries to older generations. Our methods and tools are constantly being updated and are closely monitored for effectiveness and efficiency. Our core foundation is rooted in the Bible and its teaching.

Henryk, together with his sister Nina and brother Adam, are cofounders of DEOdecyma and have written a book on God’s faithfulness over 5 generations in the midst of wars and communism titled “Sure Foundation.” It will soon be available in Kindle format on Amazon.com.

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Join us

We could never have dreamed in the ’70s that such growth and reach could be possible for our ministry. What God has done has gone well beyond our imagination! Still the Lord has proven His unending faithfulness and is leading us into the future with even bigger aspirations. Yes, we have clear goals and a plan – and the right people.

We invite you to join us on this journey!

We give all the glory and thanks to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Henryk Król, Cofounder and President DEOlink