January and February
Dear Friends, We entered our 50th year of DeoLink (DEOrecordings, DEOdecyma) existence! What a joy, what a wave of thankfulness fills our hearts! As stated before, you are invited to a special event on May 17, 2025, to rejoice and thank together [...]
Dear Friends, The new year started some time ago and all of us, I believe, are busy doing our [...]
Our September Outback season was greatly blessed – again and again, new people were confronted [...]
Dear Friends, summer is over, many of us were able to get some rest and had a chance to think [...]
We are all now in the middle of summer, when most of us want to slow down a little, rest and [...]
May has passed so fast that it is hard to comprehend. Perhaps, because the weather was cold and [...]
May has arrived with the beauty of green colors in various shades, in spite of the temperature [...]
I wonder how you currently see your life, but to me – it seems it speeds-up even more then [...]
This year is planned to be an important year for the development of Outback in Poland and in [...]
Jesus came to this Earth to initiate His invisible Kingdom. Now we are His citizens and want to [...]