November 2024
Dear Friends, In this “grey month”, I send you warm greetings and God’s encouragement, based on His promises! Yes, our feelings are based on the strong foundation of God’s promises! Daily between 130 – 250 NEW people sign up to our digital [...]
Love and greetings in our Lord! We often think about you and pray for you, Friends, as we know [...]
Love and greetings in our Lord! September was a great, busy month when a lot of things were [...]
Ah well, the traditional vacation season is over and we are very thankful for a slightly slower [...]
Vacation time is here again! I hope all of us will have a chance to have a rest and catch our [...]
With the beautiful weather outside, the world looks much better! Even when I with my wife [...]
At last, the grass is getting greener, even in Poland! It is still chilly, but the sunny days [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, nestling under a white blanket! Yes, snow is unusual for this time [...]
It should come as no surprise to you to hear that life, again, is very busy for us! As [...]
Yes, 2020 was different. But it was also a blessing! We were pushed out of our routine, a great [...]