Ministry > March 2022
March 2022 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Russia has invaded our geographical neighbour, Ukraine; the upheaval is going to be far-reaching. There are 1.5 million Ukrainians already residing in Poland on short term contracts, working in various industries, where they are valued as diligent, hard workers. Many of them are now returning home to fight for their country.

Meanwhile, in excess of a million women with their children are expected in Poland. The State has waived many bureaucratic barriers. Hundreds of thousands of Poles are spontaneously helping by giving food, transport from the border, free accommodation, etc. It is beautiful to see such solidarity, but a lot of this effort is not rational, as there are piles of food at the border crossing and no room for storage.

Railways in our part of Europe have offered free transportation. Just last Saturday our staff plus some local friends ferried 51 women and children 380 km / 238 miles from the Polish border to Wisla. There is also much humanitarian aid in which the churches are playing a major part. We planning to invite many people to a concert our church in Wisla given by my son, Filip, and his friends, during it we will invite people to return to the church for a Sunday service. During the concert there will be simultaneous translation into Ukrainian. We ask friends at CityBibles in the Netherlands to sell us 1000 Ukrainian Bibles. They sent them to us free of charge! We are also printing a Ukrainian version of Word for you today, personal daily passages for individual quiet times.

Churches are greatly involved as well, mainly giving humanitarian help.

As we have many connections, through our e-coaches with thousands of people, also our Outback outreach, that we started some 7 years ago in Ukraine – there are links to believers but also non-believers in need. In our organization – we appointed a lady, our e-coach that resides in Poland but is Ukrainian to coordinate this effort. Here is a tremendous opportunity for Sunday School children (nobody was planning for that!)


70th birthday!

I’m complete only with my spouse, Bogusia.


And just as a contrast – last Sunday we had a long planned celebration of my 70th birthday! It was under the shade of the Ukrainian war, of course, but – still, thankful for Lord’s wonderful guidance over the years! As many close friends were literally, physically involved in helping refugees – we had “just” 120 guests at a wonderful party prepared by Bogusia and the kids in a beautiful restaurant! It was very moving to meet with so many Polish and Czech friends with whom we shared so much history. Fantastic program, great food, time of singing, sharing, thanking God. I shared my “5 key lessons I have collected during my 70 years” – and its summary – the faithfulness of the Lord! The natural reaction is – THANKFULLNESS. I wish all of you could join us! But if you will come one by one we shall have even more time for a direct fellowship! Please, feel invited!


Our guests at the event.


Lots of interactions!


International cooperation

At present we have three friends from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, with whom we have partnered for many years. They use our mentoring/discipling software platform. Again – a wonderful time of fellowship and fruitful discussions. Cooperation always brings extra fruit.

We also met today with some Ukrainian believers – they were involved with CBN in Kiev and now are, as a 7 person family – in our region. We pray for the best way to help them.


A visit of Three American friends from Billy graham association with our polish team.


Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit! The Lord is answering prayers, indeed!


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Prayer Praise & Requests

February answered prayers:

  • Wonderful reunion during my 70th birthday
  • Again, new courses, in Polish, added to our portfolio
  • New course platform, targeted at people not interested in God but struggling with addictions, “Second Step”
  • Many new opportunities to share Christ with refugees living now in our area.
  • Finding a location for our August 26 – 28, 2022 E-coach Conference

Friends, please pray

  • Still no news on obtaining the rights for “The Chosen” film series getting into Poland, pray it will create a new enthusiasm among believers to invite their non-believing friends to watch it together.
  • Also still waiting for the final approval by Netflix Film series, “Pieces”, covering some JH Outback teaching, to be accepted and for us – involved in doing a massive follow-up to it, as literally millions are to view it! Please, pray it will happen soon!
  • Learning, how to help in a meaningful way Ukrainian refugees, mainly woman with small children, how to show Christ’s love
  • Printing daily devotions, in Ukrainian;
  • Evangelistic concert March 5th as a welcome to the refugees, facing big trauma and new environment, that they would be open to hearing the Gospel.
  • Better business for Radio CCM work, businesses starting to advertise again. Many new connections coming to the “intermediate” web page
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for our dear friends, Roland Hinz, Phill Butler, Carol Williams an Rob Sieval, who suffer serious illnesses. Please, keep on praying.
  • New courses that are in production, to meet current needs of different segments of our audience.
  • Additional funding towards our Capital Campaign.

Poland, February 2022 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What do people look for on our websites.

  • I have anxiety disorder, thoughts that I can’t handle anything, that I can’t raise two children alone. I’m afraid that I have a mental disorder. It’s been like this for a year.
    Female, 35-44
  • I am looking for help in fighting porn addiction.
    Male, 25-34
  • I walked away from my Jesus … I want to come back to him and feel his presence as before…
    Female, 35-44
  • I can’t cope with difficult situations in my relationship with my mother.
    Female, 45-54
  • How to tell parents about my problems?
    Female, 12-14
  • I have self-harm problems.
    Female, 18-21
  • Pornography and loneliness eat me up inside.
    Male, 22-24
  • I believe in God. Since I was a child, I was close to God and the church. Unfortunately, I’m gay. I know it’s a sin. I want to have a relationship with Jesus and live according to what the Scriptures say, but I can’t. I can’t because of my nature. I can’t live alone, I want to love and be loved. The problem is that my chosen one will never be a woman. How am I supposed to live? Am I doomed to condemnation? Or for eternal loneliness? I am devastated.
    Male, 25-34