Ministry > March / April 2023
March / April 2023 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

I wonder how you currently see your life, but to me – it seems it speeds-up even more then ever! It is so easy to be busy, loose some focus. But there are also seasons of “harvesting”, when “all hands on the deck”, when there is little time left to rest and just talk… Time of rest will come as well, of course, we are not crazy!

The last two months were very busy for me – so many good and great things have happened that we even skipped one Update! I traveled twice to the USA, once with my son, Filip, and it was a very good trip!

Our Ukrainian team after recording a new course for the Ukrainian platform.

The Chosen in Poland

The Chosen project is moving like a storm! The second season is presently played by the State TV, program 1! Hundreds of thousands (millions?) are watching it regularly, with some 7 million total views of episodes. And we get wonderful responses, hundreds of them.

  • “This series creates in me a desire to know the Gospel deeper and to abide in Christ!”
  • “For me – it is a revelation, from the biblical side and filming side. Finally there is a film about Jesus that pulls in like all good series”
  • “I love The Chosen! After viewing, I started reading commentaries to the Bible to better understand the One I believe in!
  • „I have never read the Bible, only occasionally go to church, but the story shown in the film has strengthened my faith and a desire to study the New Testament”
  • “The Chosen has blown-up my faith like a breath of fresh air into a bonfire… This form of explaining the Gospel is one my soul was waiting all my life for, I am a huge ambassador of this initiative and bring the Chosen everywhere: to my family, friends, I can not stop it just for myself!!! Thank you all and God for all you did!”

This is of course only a beginning of a process of trying to include viewers in the follow-up programs. One was launched for small groups, with discussion guides being published and over 700 were downloaded so far. But we have also a special edition of “Why Jesus” course for those, who want to discover Jesus from the Bible context. Hundreds are signing in! Thank you, Lord!

An interesting note is that the State TV in Poland also runs a channel in Belarusian language, and they are currently translating The Chosen into Belarusian, at their own expense! Also, now they showed an interest in translating The Chosen into Kaszuby language – a small dialect used in part of Northern Poland. Hallelujah! A number of our employees are involved in the promotion of all those programs. A lot of background work is necessary to make it happen! Thank you for your prayers!

Trip to USA

On the recent trip to the US, we were privileged to meet our long-term partners – The Bible Project – and expansion of the cooperation is considered. Also we met friends at Community Bible Studies (CBS) who have joined the user group of our discipleship platform, GELE. What a great time we had. Thank you, dear Friends!

Our long term friends from The Bible Project.

With Mike Flanagan, discussion on GELE implementation in Southern California.

At CBS, our new partners and already dear friends.

Keith and Susie having special welcome for us with Polish flag.

And then we met new partners – Gloo. It is a significant media/Internet ministry based in Colorado, paying a major role in numerous big Christian outreaches and follow-up work, connecting seekers to churches. We pray this partnership will significantly increase our reach globally!

Exciting, new partnership with Gloo…

Our New Europe Communications Board members before our meeting (missing Hank Paulson).

Very special meeting with Roland and his family. Man that God Himself has placed on our path.

Wife’s birthday anniversary

Back in Poland – my dear wife,  Bogusia just turned 60! What a blessing she is to me and our family, but also to thousands, as she writes daily devotions that are really well received (“A miracle every day”)!

Hard to believe, my Bogusia turned 60th!

Bogusia special birthday party.

Yes, Friends, we would be very thankful if you would join us in prayer for all those matters. We treasure your friendship so much!

God bless you!


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Februrary & March answered prayers:

  • Continuous growth of the four discipleship platforms run by the Polish ministry. Our platforms served approx. 80 000 people in Polish, Ukrainian and English!
  • The Chosen series 2 is already played on State TV, numerous VOD streams, etc. Hundreds of thousands (millions) have already seen it. Also DVDs are available to all interested.
  • Great blessing of Ukrainian projects, over 11 000 people on our discipleship platform.
  • Wonderful trip to the USA – many new initiatives in development. We shall write more about them in due course.
  • Finally, it seems we shall finalize sales of Radio FEST.

Friends, please pray

  • Spirit of cooperation and partnership around The Chosen project, as we invite a number of individuals and churches to be closely involved.
  • New translations of The Chosen to Belarussian, Kaszuby, also season 3 into Polish.
  • Great launch of CBS programs in English.
  • Developing cooperation with a US-based organization Gloo!
  • New courses that are in the pipeline for our online platforms: in Polish, English and Ukrainian.
  • Many more laborers to help with the harvest that is huge!
  • Opening hearts of donors to help us expand the ministry in the future.
  • Physical strength from the Lord for dear friends: Roland Hinz, Phil Butler, Mike MacIntosh, Peter Bye, who have been so much a part of our ministry over many years

February 2023 in numbers:

From (PL), (EN), (PL), (UA)


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

More testimonials after watching the series The Chosen

  • Finally, a series that is a real inspiration for your own relationship with Jesus … real, not detached from life – as it is often done. Showing the humanity of God so we can understand that He has experienced the hardships of human life and can understand our situation.
  • I recommend it! The series is wonderful. We often do not realize how Jesus showed and shows by his behavior how he loves each of us, what the apostles experienced, what they were like, what their weaknesses were. Watching this series, I feel as if I was there with them, more than 2,000 years ago.
  • The Chosen is the Jesus show I’ve been waiting for all my life. Well made, with a captivating plot, showing Jesus, whom I read about in the Gospel and whom I know from personal meetings in prayer: loving, with a sense of humor, interested in man. It is Jesus with whom you want to be and the Apostles with whom you can identify. I recommend it a hundred times!
  • A wonderful series that does a lot of good in this world.
  • For me, the whole series is beautiful and important. Thank you for creating!
  • An inspired evangelization in line with today’s needs.