January and February
Dear Friends, We entered our 50th year of DeoLink (DEOrecordings, DEOdecyma) existence! What a joy, what a wave of thankfulness fills our hearts! As stated before, you are invited to a special event on May 17, 2025, to rejoice and thank together [...]
It should come as no surprise to you to hear that life, again, is very busy for us! As [...]
Yes, 2020 was different. But it was also a blessing! We were pushed out of our routine, a great [...]
Love and warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. I was very touched last month, when, after the [...]
Love and warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. How are you doing, dear Friends? I talk so much [...]
Once again, warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. August feels as though it has passed very [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. What a strange year we are having! It is summer, but not as [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! How are you doing, friend? We are often praying for you, our [...]
I hope you are doing well in this strange time! Even when life’s difficulties and the challenge [...]
Warm greetings from Poland! What comfort I find in this assurance; “The Lord is in charge”! I [...]