January and February
Dear Friends, We entered our 50th year of DeoLink (DEOrecordings, DEOdecyma) existence! What a joy, what a wave of thankfulness fills our hearts! As stated before, you are invited to a special event on May 17, 2025, to rejoice and thank together [...]
Warm greetings from Poland! How good it is to be in the hands of our Lord, not needing to be [...]
Warm greetings from Poland! Our winter seems to be much warmer than in previous years! It [...]
Warm greetings from Poland! 2019 is history, yet our hearts are still filled with thankfulness [...]
Warm greetings from Poland! May Christmas time will open some new doors to your heart to get [...]
With a New Year being imminent, it is natural to ponder everything we do and ask ourselves the [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Life is good (and busy!) We are overwhelmed by God’s work [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Summer is over, we were able to rest and “catch a breath,” [...]
After a very busy June, with multiple events/camps/workshops, etc., we’ve now entered a slower [...]
Warm greetings from Poland! Our volunteers and staff are quite busy all the time, but there are [...]