Ministry > April 2020
April 2020 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings from Poland! What comfort I find in this assurance; “The Lord is in charge”! I see in crisis even more clearly the benefits of giving control of our lives to God, more so than in a “normal” times! It seems that crisis opens new opportunities, particularly in our increasingly godless society where even materialism and affluence become boring.

In Poland it appears that self-indulgence and distance too have become prevalent. The Polish nation is in fear; will I stay healthy, will we manage financially, will I get my salary, will my company survive? It is my prayer that this will push people to thinking, to asking vital questions. Things like; what is my goal, what is life? As Christians we know that the answers will only be found in Christ. But how to communicate it when the word “God” has been trivialised, emasculated and mostly used as blasphemy? As we here in Poland seek to reach to people with the claims of Christ on their lives and the message of God’s love and plan of salvation, please, pray for us, for wisdom and courage!

Sure Foundation…

Bogusia and I have recently returned from a long planned trip to the North of Poland to finish our family book – Sure Foundation. And we feel we have accomplished that! Now it is in consulting, editing, etc, but it was a major step forward! We want to testify, how the Lord was/is faithful over five generations. As the Baltic Sea it was very quiet around us, as Coronavirus has stopped all the traffic, closed recreation options, etc. Still, we walked every day at least 7 miles! Great time together! Like another honeymoon, 35 years after the first one!


We went for two weeks far from the normal life to focus on editing the “Sure Foundation” book. Me with Bogusia walking near the Baltic sea.


Tymothy, Filip and one of our partners – Michał Wilk from having one hour promotional program on internet evangelism in Radio Cracow.


Good and bad news…

Our church service streaming has made a new record – over 1.000 devices connected on Sunday. People are searching. We see also a new zeal to pray, also on-line, on Zoom, also our men’s groups have moved to on-line. I am eagerly anticipating seeing what the results will be.

And now, the down side.
Our income went down drastically, in Radio – by some 50% as clients reduced, or cancelled all, advertising. As 67% of our budget came from sales, we now face a serious gap and we pray for extra funding – donations that would enable us to survive over the crisis. We do not want to release staff. Every member is fully occupied carrying out vital tasks. All are very needed and it took years to create such an efficient team. Please, pray we shall find the solution and clearly discern God’s will in this.

And, now, some good news.
Our 2 year old granddaughter Heidi, who had recently undergone a second open heart surgery, is returning to her health fast! Thank you for prayers, if you knew about this situation.


Our granddaughter Heidi – just after second open heart surgery. Thanks God after couple of weeks she feels fine and coming back to normal.


Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


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Prayer Praise & Requests

April answered prayers:

  • Our Outback Excel European conference, moved to early March was wonderful! If not a change of date, it would have had to be cancelled.
  • Bogusia and I have finished our part of our Family book! It took a lot of time, but now we are closer to the end.
  • More visits to our courses and web pages, as a result of YouTube advertising.
  • Good health of all our contacts, e-coaches, helpers.
  • New spirit of unity and expectation among staff and volunteers when we moved our meetings on-line.

Friends, please pray

  • New promotional campaign, when so many people spend time at home and look the web all the time. We plan to double promotion of our evangelistic/discipleship materials,
  • Due to coronavirus training for Bogusia and my brother, Adam, writing a Polish version of “A Miracle Every Day” had to be delayed. Please, pray it will happen before long!
  • So many new opportunities due to coronavirus! Lord’s help to get real “key” to the hearts of so many troubled people!
  • Starting some much needed remodelling of our “old” office: we would like to do it fast and in the least disruptive manner, now, when most of our staff work from homes!
  • Still open and urgent: a contract to distribute the next parts of Superbook children’s Bible stories DVDs. We still do not have distribution rights for this excellent product translated into Polish by our team.
  • Money for survival of our Radios, when the income has dropped by 50% and there are no reserves.
  • Development of Outback in Europe. All the plans are changed, we even do not know if June events will happen. We pray for creative solutions;
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. Miraculously, there is a slight improvement! Please, keep on praying!
  • Building project of Malinka church. For wisdom and unity.

Poland, March 2020 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What do people look for on our websites:

  • What should I do when the temptation of pornography comes? It is so strong that even after a busy day it does not leave me alone.
    Man, 15-17
  • I really bad experience situations with coronavirus. I feel fear, I’m scared, lonely. Even though I am at home, my fiancé is not with me. Some time ago, unfortunately, I moved away from God. Despite this, I feel I need God now, I would like to come back to him, but I don’t know how. Please help!
    Woman, 25-34
  • I don’t want to talk about God. I need someone to talk to. In my life I was beaten, raped, abused, molested and cheated. I need help. I do not want to live. I have been treating depression for the seven year. Please, talk with me.
    Woman, 18-21
  • How can I become a disciple of Jesus? How do I know that I am with him? How can you establish a relationship with Jesus?
    Man, 22-24