Ministry > October / November 2020
October / November 2020 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Love and warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. How are you doing, dear Friends? I talk so much about our developments in Poland, but it would be great if you could describe what is your current health/life situation. With number of our e-coaches being personally affected by coronavirus, we pray even more and would gladly include you in prayers, Friends. Just let us know, please.

When it all started…

It is now 45 years, since we started our ministry, we could never have imagined where it would take us! We trusted the Lord and moved forward step by step, meeting the needs and grasping the opportunities that arose on the way; as engineers by trade we found this logical and natural.

Our calling was introducing people to Jesus and helping them to follow in His footsteps, not just “a decision” but a life-long commitment to discipleship.

Covid has made it impossible for us to celebrate as we normally would. But we can turn to our Lord anytime, with gratitude, giving Him all the glory for everything that has been achieved.

When I say “we” it is a whole army of dedicated people like you, *|FNAME|*, who have often been involved in a major roles, e.g. being on Boards (Polish and US, New Europe Communications), or members of our original music group, DEOdecyma (ten for God), etc.


It all started with the music band – Deodecyma. Can you find me in the picture?


Then, in 1989, exponential growth when freedom came to Poland after years of the hardships of Communism, we were ready for it!

With the help of some major donors, prompted by the Lord, we saw our dreams start to become reality.

Now in October 2020, we have 61 salaried staff plus partners, e-coaches and hundreds of volunteers, Thank you, Jesus! Several of our precious Friends, key friends, are with the Lord now. We look forward to seeing them one day in Heaven and a joyful reunion.

Expansion of activities

Scalability is one of the buzz words we really like. It is normal to witness to our neighbours, friends, co-workers on an individual level. But we, somehow, were prompted to reach people on a big scale, (Mt 28, 19-20) this is why we turned to the media and Internet.

It’s a huge challenge, competing for attention with the secular culture, and hugely expensive, but we are seeing it work! Nor is it easy to cover all the things that are involved simultaneously, many people find it difficult to take it all in.

Imagine hundreds of people focused for many hours every week on reaching and encouraging seekers, there is an abundance of stories of God working in individual lives. We are planning to publish many of them (in Polish) in the near future.

Just recently, with my wife, Bogusia, we visited Bishop Zdzislaw Tranda in Warsaw. For many years he was President of our Association. He is now 95 years old. Yes, many of you were instrumental for this work! Thank you, Jesus!


Visited Bishop Zdzislaw Tranda


We look to the future

But we do not live in the past. Our team consists of mainly young people, millennials, who bring their great ideas to develop the Lord’s Kingdom!

We want to make the best use of the Covid situation. We are planning many conferences (with limited numbers present) around Poland; each conference will be streamed to other hubs to gatherings of e-coaches.

Our creative team is preparing the next series of courses. The most popular so far is on”how to be freed from the habit of pornography”. In selecting new topics, we want to touch issues that are confronting many people.


“How to protect your baby from pornography” – new course for parents, well prepared and completely free. Great “entry point” to our other evangelistic courses.


“How to study the Bible” – fascinating new course about deepening your understanding of the Bible.


Obstacles in the way

We face a financial pressure now for obvious reasons; e.g. radio advertising revenue dropped by 50%, we are struggling to bridge the gap. For the first time we have turned to users of our platforms in Poland to ask for their prayerful and, if God so leads, practical support. Our IT team have devised a simple way of making donations online.

Also, this month, with a help of our Board member, Hank Paulson, (President of 4D Ministries in States), we are able to have in the US a simple donation path that would allow US tax exempt receipt will be delivered from 4D ministries. There are some items that would greatly increase our reach. *|FNAME|*, promotion on YouTube of our courses immediately bring in many new people! Even 50 dollars make a big difference! Actually it adds, based on our experience – 20 new people to sign into our on-line courses, 6 of them finishes them and switch to thee next level of relationship! Transforming lives by God’s Spirit!


Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!



Krol’s family, September 2020

Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

September answered prayers:

  • Good progress with the new courses in the process of filming.
  • Our “White Book of Testimonials” is almost ready for printing. It was a hard job to edit down from 700 pages to 220.
  • A new fundraising team was started in our structure. We would love to find someone in the US who could help with that, too.
  • We discovered some benefits from Pandemic; our numbers of contacts and correspondence are higher then ever, some 600 exchanges a day!
  • Huge encouragement seeing transformed lives of hundreds (maybe thousands) of individuals, but also several of them becoming, after extra training, involved as e-Coaches

Friends, please pray

  • A special “push” before end of the year to get number of open projects and plans completed.
  • Improving our marketing effort to reach more people with our limited resources.
  • Better business for our Radio work, businesses starting to advertise again.
  • Getting new donations to keep us alive in this very fruitful season.
  • Nick Vujicic campaign in Poland, April 24, 2021 in Gliwice, Warsaw and Wroclaw. We pray to see Lord’s guidance in it, as Pandemic has turned the attention of people into other things…
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. Please, keep on praying.
  • Rescuing our whole team in these Corona times, particularly in Radio (3 people) and among our e-coaches, several suffer!

Poland, September 2020 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What do people look for on our websites:

  • What should I do to quit porn? I have tried many times unsuccessfully.
    Male 18-21d
  • I do not understand, why everyone has a talent and I have absolutely nothing. I don’t succeed in anything and I don’t know what I want to do in my life. I have no strength for anything. I am also not successful in love. Additionally I’m addicted to porn. I am sorry that I am writing so chaotically but I can hardly describe it. I have no hope anymore 🙁
    Male 15-17
  • I have been suffering from depression for over 4 years. There are good and bad days but recently it’s a total breakdown. I need prayer and chatting as well, and maybe you can help mi with some tips on what to do when I can’t get out of bed and find no relief.
    Female 25-34
  • I have many questions about faith and relationship with God. I keep asking and still no answer.
    Female 45-54
  • I need support, talks… I broke up with someone I cared the most, but he didn’t appreciate it, all the time he lied to me… we’re not together for a week, and I can’t cope any longer. I am still in prayer…
    Female 18-21