November 2024
Dear Friends, In this “grey month”, I send you warm greetings and God’s encouragement, based on His promises! Yes, our feelings are based on the strong foundation of God’s promises! Daily between 130 – 250 NEW people sign up to our digital [...]
Warm greetings from snowy Wisla! We have a lot of snow this year, more than in the last 9 [...]
First, special thanks for all the kind words, good wishes and Your Friendship! It was so good [...]
My wish for you is that, as we come to the end of another year with deadlines and decisions to [...]
Once again, special greetings from Wisla, Poland! We pray for you regularly as we go through [...]
The months are passing quickly and so many things are happening it is impossible to give you [...]
Summer is over! Here are some of the reasons we are praising God for the days that are past and [...]
Last month I wrote that Spring had been extremely busy for us, somehow this has continued [...]
As you probably know, European Union has introduced new privacy protection laws (GDPR). We [...]
Spring and sunshine finally came to Poland! In this positive mood I want to greet you, dear [...]