Ministry > May 2019
May 2019 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

A beautiful spring in Wisla, Poland! Finally, the snow has gone, everything has turned green, even in the high mountains and we are happily doing our work! As we have now over 60 staff (with the Radio) and hundreds of volunteers it is really hard to describe all the details.


Beautiful spring in Wisła, Poland

Polish E-coach coordinator – Norbert Klama with his family and Kyle and Carol Williams

Our dear friends from Oklahoma in a historical, oldest Polish restaurant, Cracow.

Regional conferences…

Norbert, our Internet outreach coordinator, was recently traveling across Poland to conduct a number of regional workshops/conferences with existing e-coaches and new potential candidates. He returned greatly encouraged. It is really God’s Spirit who motivates people to give so much time and passion to communicate with non- believers and invite them to a spiritual journey.

Norbert shared with me two e-coaches, saying these similar words. “I wanted to be only involved in my church, but now I see, how many more people outside church are open to the Gospel if only they hear it. It has expanded my reach, when I communicate with them over Internet. A number of them have become followers of Jesus; this is the work for me!”


Visit of Ben and Didi Companion – friends from Open Doors shooting a documentary about Bible smuggling in the 80’s

Very special family time after a dedication prayer over our youngest – Paul.

Overview for past year…

Our creative team has put together a short 2018 overview of our Polish ministry. Please, take time to watch it and pray for the many areas mentioned there. I know it could be overwhelming, but it took many years to get to this point and every new initiative is designed to enhance and keep us relevant with the ever changing culture. We are so thankful for your prayers and your partnering with us!

Progress in media productions

Latest achievement: after 5 months of intense work on the major video project, developed by CBN, called Superbook series 3, all of 13 episodes of Bible stories are finished! It is to be played on the State TV channel for children, as were the two earlier series.

We are so happy with that! Also the first four Old Testament episodes of “The Bible Project” animated summaries of the books was delivered, excellent material that is adding much to our discipleship process.

See our channel

Outback is coming…

We are also in the midst of preparation for Outback family weekends. As it is so effective in helping people to reconcile and to start a relationship with Christ, we plan this year to add two more weekends, in the South East of Poland. At the same time, at our “usual” location center (called H2O) during the winter, a big tent was damaged by snow. By a miracle, a new-one, even bigger and better, will be available. Now we hurry as the new-one is not installed, we must build a new stage, buy new lights, construction elements, lots of finance needed plus qualified volunteers to have everything ready in 10 days, when the first Czech Outback is planned.

Almost finish…

Huge news for us is that our family book is completed in the draft mode, written by a friend, John Karter from UK, a professional writer. Now we pray that the Lord will make another miracle and connect us with a good publisher, so that this 200 pages of testimony of God’s relevance and involvement with five generations will be released!

Yes, all the time the Lord is opening new doors and opportunities.

Church building…

Also, please pray with us also for our new church building. It is already under construction and we plan to use it for workshops, conferences, training events, fellowship, etc.. Following the best, Bible centered examples, last year we visited many churches in US adapting some of their examples to our culture. We still need significant amounts of money to equip it and have it ready by the end of 2019. Please, pray for God’s help also in this area.

Friends, Thank you for all your friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!
Yours in Him

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Prayer Praise & Requests

April answered prayers:

  • Norbert’s great, stimulating tour to spend time with e-coaches;
  • Completed Superbook, series 3 Polish version translation.
  • Many visitors, stimulating our work and bringing new ideas.
  • New tent for Outback, for the H2O center.
  • Spirit of unity and involvement among staff and volunteers.
  • Connected Giving software already implemented.
  • Our book, “Sure Foundation” completed in a draft mode.

Friends, please pray

  • New stimulation for promotion and marketing of our portfolio of discipleship materials.
  • A special blessing for a major evangelistic campaign, prepared by 40 churches in Wroclaw, with Nick Vujitic, June 2, 2019. We are to help with the digital follow-up. Incredible opportunity, as 40,000 people are expected at the football stadium!
  • Completing all the technology behind Outback weekends, in a new, larger tent
  • Adding many new e-coaches, as a result of number of regional meetings around Poland.
  • Production of Polish original multimedia materials for our Polish audience, to attract more young people.
  • Finding a good publisher for our book “Sure Foundation”.
  • Funding to maintain and expand all projects. We pray and talk with number of friends to get more funding, allowing the implementation of this ambitious but realistic plan.
  • Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close Friend and Mentor of mine, man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer.
  • More funding but also clear vision in unity – for our new Malinka church building. We plan to use new rooms for lot of our ministry activities…

Poland, April 2019 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What do people look for on our websites:

  • Does God really exist? Is there any scientific evidence for this? Or is it just a human invention?
    Woman, 25-34
  • How to fight attacks? how to refrain from falling? When the temptation come, I fight, and then finally fall.
    Man, 25-34
  • I would like to know what does it mean to “look at myself through the eyes of Jesus”?
    Woman, 15-17
  • What is the meaning of life? Is it worth seeking God in everything that surrounds us? How to get rid of addictions? Especially those destructive.
    Man, 25-34
  • How to forgive myself and my family, wrongs, grudges, slanders. I am 55 years old and I have the impression that my whole life was a failure. How to forget?
    Woman, 55-64