November 2024
Dear Friends, In this “grey month”, I send you warm greetings and God’s encouragement, based on His promises! Yes, our feelings are based on the strong foundation of God’s promises! Daily between 130 – 250 NEW people sign up to our digital [...]
August is already behind us and we continue to be thrilled to see Lord at work! Firstly, Filip [...]
Warm greetings! Now writing from our vacations, where, together with my Bogusia and daughter [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Time has flown so fast that I felt surprised when I realised [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Our proximity to the Russo / Ukrainian conflict is proving [...]
We live all the time under the unremitting pressure of the Russian/Ukrainian war. Poland is [...]
Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Our lives and priorities have been totally disrupted since [...]
Russia has invaded our geographical neighbour, Ukraine; the upheaval is going to be [...]
Life in full swing! We are moving forward with number of ministry projects. Outside is white, a [...]
As you embark on this New Year I wish you a continuing awareness of the omnipresence of Jesus [...]