Ministry > February 2018
February 2018 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Welcome, dear Friend! Life moves swiftly forward. Already the first month of 2018 is behind us. We strive to make the most effective and efficient use of our time and energy.

I was moved by a mail received recently on our evangelistic platform:

“I came to your web page by accident. As I was looking through my wife’s e-mail, I found there a message from an e-coach from “Looking For God”. Two months ago my wife was killed in a car accident; she was driving with our six month old son, who has miraculously survived. Since that moment, my life has collapsed, my wife was everything to me, I could never imagine life without her. Please, pray for me”.

Yes, we shall definitely do it! Please, join us in praying for Charles.


Gele 3.0 – new version of our flagship MDMS platform (Mentor/Discipleship Management System) launched!

The steady growth of our discipleship platform.

A breakthrough has finally been made, the latest version of our “Mentoring/Discipling Management System” (MDMS), Gele 3.0, known also as Codex, has rolled out! This is a software tool to help with on-line discipleship process. The first four languages are already in use after many months of very intense work by a team of programmers and testers. The amassed details of approx. 175,000 users are now being transferred into this faster, more efficient system.
Yes, the whole process was more complex than originally imagined and took much more time. But already it is helping people along the path to spiritual maturity. We strongly believe that an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the Word of God in the context of everyday life, (leading people to off-line groups, etc.) is the cornerstone of evangelism.


Now, every January 6th (in Poland – a public holiday called “3 Kings Festival”) we meet for an Outback reunion. A great, stimulating time of fellowship of over 150 people, sharing testimonies and planning for three “Outback” weekends in 2018.

Our new year’s tradition – meeting together with our Outback family, sharing testimonies and encouraging to live with Jesus every day.

Video training by ZeWatchers

Five of our creative/video guys were invited for two weeks in January to Mauritius for intense training in professional video production. This was triggered by Jean Pierre Barry and his wife who, for many years, were running the Euro Media Group of companies, (covering the Olympic Games, Tour De France, etc,). Jean Pierre has been diagnosed with fast-growing cancer. Despite the assessment of doctors’ he is, miraculously, alive. Please, pray with us for total healing.

Our small creative-video team was invited for a two week training to ZeWatchers studios in Mauritius. Amazing opportunity to learn tv production, lightening and film production from real pros. We want to use this experience in our live event streaming and short films with real stories that we produce for the ministry in Poland.

“Miracle every day”

Daily devotion in Polish. There is a steady growth in subscribers, the number now exceeds 3,200.

Thanks for existing!

Radio CCM

After problems with listening figures in early 2017 the audience is showing a consistent increase. It gives us access to over half a million people every week! Krzysztof and his team diligently search for new program ideas for introducing the Gospel to a 99% non-Christian audience.

Our granddaughter

Friends, thank you so much for your prayers for our four month old granddaughter, Heidi. Her health is improving all the time. Still, a week ago, she had to have another two heart operations (the second was repairing some mistakes of the first-one). But generally, she is doing really well! Please, continue to pray for her and her parents.

Yours very thankfully,


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Prayer Praise & Requests

January answered prayers:

  • Finally, launch of Gele 3.0 platform!
  • Great video training of our creative team.
  • Fantastic new offices, both in Wisla and Gliwice, what making work so much easier!
  • Good spirit among Outback people/leaders.

Friend, please pray

  • Total healing for Jean Pierre Barry.
  • Good growth for Heidi.
  • Real acceleration in spreading the use of Gele 3.0 / CODEX system, so that many people could mature in the Lord.
  • Making new discipling courses to fit real needs of seekers/new converts.
  • Having 100 new candidates for e-coaches in 2018.
  • Money to help to continue growth of the ministry.
  • Spirit of serving, surrounding one to another, sharing Christ’s love.

Poland, January 2018 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some of the initial messages received from the seekers in January

  • I’m looking for God, I pray but I don’t feel his presence. What should I do?
    Girl, 15-17
  • For last 7 years I’ve lost any contact with my son and his family…
    Man, >65
  • ello. I’ve heard that when we die we go to heaven we will see there a paradise, just like at the beginning of creation. But what’s next? Will we not be bored?
    Boy, 15-17
  • Is there any chance for the suicidal to go to heaven?
    Woman, 18-21
  • How can I ask God for help?
    Man, 55-64
  • Please pray for my marriage. We’re in a serious crisis. The word “divorce” has already been said few times. I love my husband and I believe that there is hope for us. Only God can help us. I beg you, pray for us…
    Woman, 35-44