Ministry > June 2017
June 2017 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

How are you doing? How is your life? As we do not have a chance to meet regularly face to face, I would like to know your recent news and also your prayer requests. We are so blessed by you partnering with us, so we would like to do something for you. Prayer makes such a difference!

On our side, we may only say that the past month was again a wonderful time of many good connections and several projects launched with even more to come!


Vision Synergy conference took place in Thailand. Great adventure!


Vision Synergy Summit

First, Filip and I went to Thailand to a Vision Synergy (VS) conference on partnerships. I’ve had the privilege of knowing Phill Butler (CEO of VS) since 1983 and as a close friend and mentor he has been instrumental in opening many doors for us leading to partnerships and co-operation.


Our media team together with experienced director and producer John Forrest. 4 days of solid training on video production and telling stories.


Recording promo video for Pro Life campaign with Jerry Twombly. Very interesting idea to launch soon!


European Leadership Forum in Wisla

Then, here in Wisla, we had an annual European Leadership Forum (ELF) attended by over 800 people from 51 countries. It was extremely intense time for several of our team with a busy program, we had eight people connected with our ministry participating. It is, in my understanding, the best way to introduce our young leaders to some of the top teaching and fellowship. No travel expense! WOW! At ELF I had 10 meaningful, person to person meetings that will, I believe, influence the future. This included Lord and Lady Edmiston, leaders of Christian Vision (CV), also Lawrence Tong, International Director of Operation Mobilization (OM).


Biggest gathering of evangelical leaders in Europe happens in May in Wisla. Great time for networking and meeting new people. ELF Gallery.


“Today’s Discipleship”

We also had an inspiring meeting with Bobb and Cheryl Biehl; I have a privilege to be in his year-round mentoring group. Our five hour conversation has really clarified so much in my head! Thank you, Lord (and Bobb!). Simply, we were advised to launch a new organizational brand, Today’s Discipleship (TD). This is a focus of we are all about. We want to add clarity, simplify and communicate the essence what we have learned in the last years as a Polish movement and as a contributing partner of Make it a transferable, scalable, cross-cultural with some non-negotiable and some helpful but not necessary.We are all aware, that as our culture is changing with unprecedented speed, (as a result of the Internet and mobile media revolution), most of generally used follow-up materials and strategies are outdated and, consequently, diminishing in effectiveness. Meanwhile, we have the proven model of Today’s Discipleship, tested in Poland. After re-packaging, we want to offer it to all interested parties to supplement and strengthen their proven evangelistic process with our proven discipleship process. Our descriptive, new web page is still in preparation, we shall inform you when it is functioning.

Relational Wisdom conference in Wisla

After ELF we organized a one day conference in Wisla using one of the Forum speakers, Chip Zimmer. The subject was -Relational Wisdom. Some 200 people attended, we’ve also launched a new video streaming system with recently purchased equipment. It is working really well! For the conference, we translated a number of videos, one booklet and some presentations. We now intend to use it in our e-coach training.


We’ve organised one day conference on “Relational Wisdom” with Chip Zimmer from RW360. Many of our e-coaches attended to improve their communications.


People could also participate online through our live stream.


Friends visit

Just after the conference we started a long awaited visit of our Belgian/French friends, the Barries and Geoffries. They are experts on video and own the largest European media tooling company, Euro Media Group, with 40 companies in 6 countries. They have now dedicated their knowledge and experience to wholly Christian activities. They are members of the Board of and are also running a new structure, ZeWatchers, on Mauritius. We had a fascinating and helpful discussion the upshot being they have invited our video guys for more training in their studios. Hallelujah! This is just the tip of the iceberg of what could come out of that!


Great visit of our Belgian/French friends, the Barries and Geoffries.


Two ‘Outback Poland’ camps

And the last two weekends – we had our 2017 Spring Outback weekends, for married couples and parent/teenagers. Even though this is the 10th time we have run it, we witnessed the same outpouring of Lord’s presence! More than 40 couples shared their testimonials on the last sessions. Very powerful! As always, “the best Outback was the last-one”. Still, tremendous spiritual pressure as every camp is a spiritual battle ground. Please, pray for that ministry and September Outback.


God’s smile. Amazing rainbow appeared over our tent just before the main gospel presentation.


Every Outback weekend is a huge effort of many volunteers – former participants:)


Outback Ukraine

Andrzej Pilch from our team was, together with Emilian (our Outback artist) went to Ukraine 2 weeks ago helping believers there to start their first, full-blown Outback. Mack Ogden, Outback International Director from USA was also there.


First time the full Outback program was held in Ukraine.


Interactive city-guide: Treasure Hunt

At the same time, our new mobile application, kind of a city game was launched during an multi-church evangelistic campaign in Wroclaw. It is like a city tour with phone scanning different historical objects, moving from place to place, learning the history and …some biblical values. Finally leading to our on-line evangelism pages.


New ongoing evangelistic campaign launched in one of biggest polish cities – Wroclaw.


Building site

Our building project in Wisla is in full swing. Foundations and walls are already built, our ambitious target is to be ready and move in before Sept. 1, 2017. Please, pray for wisdom in the many practical decisions we must make, and for God’s continued blessing on the project.


Preparing new space as an extension to our existing building.



Krzysztof and his staff have a massive reconstruction project preparing the Radio’s offices and studios in their new premises. Please pray for this project and for the health of the senior management.


Reconstruction and preparing new studios and offices for Radio CCM and Radio Fest.


Thank you, Friend, for being with us all the time, watching God using our small efforts to influence others. And thank you, too, for all your prayers and involvement. You are a significant part of all we do. Keep on, dear friend!

Yours very thankfully,

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Prayer Praise & Requests

May answered prayers:

  • Great blessing of the first Outback in Ukraine
  • Good progress on building sites, in Wisla and Gliwice
  • Unity and spirit of love among staff.
  • Excellent conferences, divine appointments, massive new connections
  • Gospel of John augmented reality booklet in English (funding needed)
  • Funds for the expansion of our ministry

Friends, please pray

  • Launch of Today’s Discipleship program
  • Polish launch of “Miracles every day”, (a daily newsletter) planned for May
  • A new production translating into Polish Corrie-ten-Boom documentaries.
  • Launching of Gele (CODEX) 3.0 software platform. Special strength for Tomek who is so tired after working 6 years on this project.
  • New Arabic version of our discipleship platform
  • Many more e-coaches needed, as the work continues to grow.
  • Radio site move to new offices in Gliwice
  • Building of extra office pavilion in Wisla
  • Visit of IsikAbla friends in Poland, filing some discipleship material, Sabi to minister in 3 places. Sabi conducts a major media outreach to the Muslim world and we are to help with the discipleship process.
  • projects in Hungary and Romania where we want to assist, if needed.

May 2017 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some of the initial messages received last month from seekers

  • Hi,
    Please help me understand why God doesn’t want to help me in my difficult situation? I pray and I ask for help but it’s getting worse…
    Man, 45-54
  • What methods can I use to stop watching porn?
    Man, 25-34
  • Why do people believe in such nonsens like God? Why there is so many idiots out there?
    Woman, 18-21
  • I don’t have any specific question… I loose my faith and I can’t change it… But I know I need to do something about it.
    Man, 35-44
  • I wish God could become my friend again… We’ve had a fight (or maybe I was fighting him). Please pray for me. I receive some signs from Him showing that he misses me and I also feel this emptiness without Him…
    Woman, 22-24
  • Hello, once I’ve made a tattoo. Does God want’s me to remove it?
    Woman, 25-34
  • I’m depressed, alone… I feel that I’ve “lost” God. I really need to talk about it. Please, it will be great help to me…
    Woman, 18-21
  • How can I know what God want’s from me? What should I do to feel loved?
    Woman, 22-24