Ministry > March 2018
March 2018 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings, this time from Nashville, dear Friend!! I am attending the National Religious Broadcasters conference but also today I am deeply moved by departure to the Kingdom of two remarkable, godly men. Dr. Billy Graham and Jean Pierre Barry. Both have impacted my life in a significant way. Both have “finished the race well”. Hallelujah! We may praise the Lord for them and strive for a similar, good finale!

Billy Graham was, for us, a symbol of the best, Christ focused preaching. It was our highest privilege to play as a DEOdecyma music group before his preaching in Poland, in 1978, and also provide the PA where ever he spoke in Poland. Watching people coming to the altar call, (including some of my personal friends) was heart moving, many special memories. Later, we were involved in a big way with the Billy Graham “Mission Europe” satellite outreach, and still later in the “Mission World” satellite outreach. Presently, we are sharing our software with the Peace with God internet outreach of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). As I watched here, in Nashville, a documentary on the life of Dr Graham, tears were coming down automatically, seeing the transparency, commitment and inspiration he has become to us. There are literally millions of people who are moved as I am! To God be the glory! And let us keep the torch alight in to the future for as long as we breathe.

Jean Pierre Barry we met relatively recently, just two years ago. Still, this top level media expert – has decided to use all his knowledge and resources to spread the gospel in a contemporary way, via film, video and media, serving and bringing so many great ideas to the table! They have twice visited our ministry in Poland, what a great memories we have from these times! His terminal illness has developed very quickly, the first diagnosis was in December 2017. We all believed the Lord can heal Jean Pierre, but the Lord needed him more in heaven than here on earth. His last decision in a Polish context was to invite five of our Polish team members to receive two weeks video training in Mauritius in January this year. How thankful we are for that! A living contribution to the future of our ministry!

But life goes on

As planned, on March 1st my son, Filip (whom many of you know) has taken over my role as CEO of our Studio DR company. I am so thankful to the Lord, that we have such a great candidate to take over the daily operations of our organization! Please, pray for him, as there are so many plans and challenges ahead! Still, I have a wonderful confidence, the Lord has even bigger plans than we can imagine, just following humbly His steps, inspired by people like Billy Graham and Jean Pierre Barry. Friends, we deeply appreciate your friendship! Thank you for all your prayers and standing with us, sharing common vision and the work!

Yours in Him

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Prayer Praise & Requests

February answered prayers:

  • The process of migrating data from Gele 2.0 to 3.0 is in full swing.
  • We had good talks with the executive team in Rotterdam.
  • Great Outback Board meeting
  • Many good encounters at NRB (in Nashville).
  • Filip taking over the management of Studio DR.

Friend, please pray

  • Special grace for Filip as he steps into a new role.
  • Special grace for Chantal Barry, as she is facing now a totally different phase of life.
  • Seeing many new people growing into disciples in Poland.
  • Increasing our Radio audience.
  • Preparing a new marketing campaign for all our evangelistic products.

Poland, February 2018 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some of the initial messages received from the seekers in February

  • What it means to have a conversation with God? How I can start it?
    Woman, 55-64
  • I need some advice if I should continue some things in my life.
    Woman, 45-54
  • How to seek God?
    Woman 18-21
  • How it works? Some people really enjoy knowing God, they’re fascinated with Him… Others can’t get to that place, they don’t have joy, just misery and bad conscious…
    Man, 25-34
  • Why God, that was to love me has destroyed whole my life? Why is he so not just with me?
    Man, 35-44
  • Hello I have this feeling that God doesn’t hear my prayers. Many times I’ve committed my life to Him but it didn’t really change much… Sometimes I think that there is no sense in praying.
    Man, 35-44