Ministry > August 2020
August 2020 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland. What a strange year we are having! It is summer, but not as we have always known it. We are beset by coronavirus and all the attendant rules and restrictions, some of which appear quite illogical. People are scared by the threat and uncertainty.

But life goes on. Two of our young staff had the virus and now are over it. We have had to make huge adjustments to many of our planned events. Large conferences, also Outback weekends, are suspended and have been replaced with on-line programs.
It has pushed many believers to familiarize themselves with the use of digital media, great news for us!

Woman’s breakfast

Online we may serve more people than in a physical format. For example, a “Women’s Breakfast” this year influenced 4,000 ladies, whereas in the past at a hotel the numbers were around 800.


Woman’s breakfast 2020 – this year ONLINE with over 4,000 woman.


Live stream was produced with three on-set cameras and a lot of prerecorded content like music, animations, testimonials and cooking tips 🙂


Click and watch online here


Outback on bike

Two of our Outback leaders, Jacek and Ela, organized “mini-Outbacks” on bicycles! A group of 30 participants traveled for a week along Polish Baltic sea coast riding some 30 km / 20 miles a day. It was so successful, that a next event is planned August 23 – 27 in the historic region of Kazimierz Dolny.


“Outback on wheels” gathered around 30 people for a week long adventure


Even when we’re not able to organize a full scale events we love to meet and spend time with people


Beautiful polish coast is a great place for a bike journey


Annual conference

On August 28 – 29 our Annual e-Coach Conference will be held on-line. This is a special opportunity for many more people to attend now churches are waking up to, and want to do something more, using the Internet. We are always willing to share all our experience and tools.

Funderising in Poland

Our IT team has developed and launched, in Polish, a new, comprehensive fundraising on-line platform to receive donations from friends. All our ministry offers are given out for free; we reach tens of thousands of people every month, operating on such a scale is expensive but, thankfully, an easy, transparent fundraising system has finally arrived. Soon we will be extending it to also accommodate International donations.

New version of Gele

August is also a month of rolling out an important update to our flagship discipleship platform – GELE, with new mobile app, fresh new design and user-review features. After successful month of real-life test in Poland we’re ready to deploy to all partners globally in the coming week.


New Gele App and fresh new design


Book of testimonials

At the same time, we are working on a “White Book of Testimonials”, direct quotes we have received from over 5.000 people who went through one of our programs! We are currently looking for a satisfactory way to abridge it as the original is over 500 pages long!

But it is so important to document and encourage all the people who are conducting the work. Yes, we want to see results! Initially it will be just for internal distribution.

Family Time

Bogusia and I have just returned from a vacation with our daughter, Paulina, and close friends who are the leaders of our Internet program, Norbert & Eva.
Our granddaughter, Miriam, prematurely born, daughter of Filip and Justyna, is finally with her parents, at home. She is very tiny, but seems to get stronger every day. Please, pray with us for little Miriam.


Paul taking care for his new sister Miriam 🙂

Friends, we deeply appreciate your Friendship! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

April answered prayers:

  • Remodelling of our office is done!
  • Both Radio and our Studio DR – have received some State money as a help to coronavirus slow-down.
  • Excellent reception of Woman Breakfast, on line – over 4.000 viewers.
  • Great “Outback on wheels” event in July.
  • New fundraising software platform launched in Poland.
  • Good numbers of new contacts on our course platform.
  • Huge encouragement seeing transformed lives of hundreds (maybe thousands) of individuals.
  • Little Miriam born and now at home with her parents (Filip & Justyna and her brother (Pawel)!

Friends, please pray

  • Special blessing on the “Annual e-coach conference” virtual event, August 28 – 29, 2020.
  • Good launch of Gele discipleship software on all the language platforms.
  • Next “Outback on wheels” event, August 23 – 27, 2020.
  • Getting new donations to keep us alive in this very fruitful season.
  • Good preparation of the “White Book of Testimonials” to encourage and invite new laborers to the Kingdom work;
  • Nick Vujicic campaign in Poland, April 24, 2021 in Gliwice, also Warsaw and Wroclaw.
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. Please, keep on praying.
  • Staying healthy of whole team in Corona times.

Poland, July 2020 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some testimonials from our online TakeOff course:

  • Video content made huge impact, I’m glad God uses people like you, great course!
  • This course made me to introduce few changes in my life.
  • Amazing. Opens eyes, wakes up, some food for thought…
  • I want to be a zealous disciple of Jesus
  • I want to share Jesus with others with full engagement
  • I want to find a fellowship of believers that will help me to grow in Jesus
  • I want to build my relationship with God on love and trust
  • I want to follow Jesus no matter the circumstances