Ministry > November 2019
November 2019 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

With a New Year being imminent, it is natural to ponder everything we do and ask ourselves the question; “Do we really make a difference in our town, in Poland, in the World? So many people claim big numbers, (when someone mentions millions I automatically shut down), so much work, energy, money goes towards evangelism, where are all the “new” people?

Long-awaited effects

The Lord is so good, and He has answered my cry. Recently I’ve attended various meetings, where people I can hardly remember were recounting how their life was transformed at Outback weekends, their glowing faces telling how even 12 months later they have “a new marriage”. One lady said: “I have a different husband! I hardly recognize him!” On the Internet, there are thousands of individual people we know and can reach who claim how they met the Lord for the first time and want to be His disciples now. Small groups that are growing towards mature fellowships (churches). For me it was a special thrill when last weekend I met two older men from different towns who said, separately, they have committed their life to Jesus at a concert of our music group DEOdecyma some 40 years ago! They and their whole families are today following the Lord! All the glory to Him!


Post Outback meeting for marriage couples.


Great time with family of Justin and Jennifer Murf – discussing our donor’s software and discipleship software potential use in Mena region.


Deorecordings Association (CCM Media) board meeting – an important discussion and prayer about the future use and possibilities for FM radio stations and Recordings Studio in Wisla. Please pray for wise decisions on these subjects.


Jon Gauger (Moody radio) led a great training on content creation, story telling and media production. The training was organized both for Radio CCM staff and Studio DR creative team.


Jon Geiger with his wife Diana.


Hard work

What we try to do is to look critically at the whole process from connecting with seekers, pointing them to the cross, and then towards maturity in discipleship and multiplication. We offer many programs, but the key is an army of e-coaches that daily exchange an average 400 messages and the work of Holy Spirit in each individual life!

If it is so effective, why are so few adopting this model? Well, it requires a major effort. It must become our life’s priority. Many, many volunteers are involved. Passionate staff underpin everything. Clear, transparent evaluation of results is a must and serving the seekers, finding them, wherever they are. Not condemning, but “offering a better way”

Can it grow even more? Of course! The Lord is in charge, He wants to reach the World. Several countries have groups similarly committed to this model.

More Outback in Europe

WE pray for 10 countries in Europe to organize Outback in the next 3 to 4 years! We pray for re-doubling the number of people enrolled in our Internet discipleship courses. We pray for many more small groups, scattered across Poland.


Pray with us for a greater reach

Please, pray with us for new people to volunteer, needed resources, (yes, money!) good cooperation with local churches, reaching hundreds of thousands of new people via new daily reading plans.


Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!


Join our ministry of life transformation

Our projects are donor driven.
We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

October answered prayers:

  • Excellent post-Outback meeting, 50+ enthusiastic people transformed by the Lord!
  • Several post-Outback long weekends that have made a real difference in many lives.
  • Great meeting of “Forum of Polish Donors”, now using our Connected Giving software package.
  • New video blogs are reaching thousands of young people.
  • Some very needed money have arrived! Praise the Lord!

Friends, please pray

  • New stimulation for promotion and marketing of our portfolio of discipleship materials and daily readings material. Several meetings in churches/places planned.
  • Meeting with some strategic partners to discuss growth opportunities.
  • Financial needs, to enable us to expand the work. We do not want to be pushy, we trust the Lord, but simply want others to know what is happening and ask for partnering.
  • A chance to distribute next parts of Superbook children bible stories DVDs.
  • Production of new Polish original multimedia materials for our Polish audience, to attract more young people, new testimonials.
  • Finding a good publisher for our family book “Sure Foundation”.
  • Development of Outback in Europe.
  • Continuing asking the Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. His situation is all the time very serious.
  • Building project of Malinka church. We plan to use new rooms for lot of our ministry activities. Now at the finishing stages, that are very expensive.

Prayer request from our E-coach

  • Friends, I ask you for your prayers. Yesterday Paulina who was one of the very first people I led in “Why Jesus” course and by God’s grace was born again contacted me. She wrote that she has metastatic cancer and she is already after her first chemotherapy. What makes it worse is that she is the only caretaker for her disabled friend. Please pray for her healing and for peace in her heart. Also please pray for her friend that God takes care for her.

Poland, October 2019 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Several testimonials from Outback:

  • I was able to stop and realized there is something more in life then just job and monotony.
  • It was a positive shock, I’ve received lots of love, met beautiful people.
  • You could feel the living presence of Jesus  – and that gave me hope, that the change is possible.
  • The system is broken” – now I know, there is a lot do be done in my life.
  • This was the time of returning to the roots. I’ve realized why I’m with my wife.
  • It is worth to build our relations on the rock – Jesus – not on the sand (our conceptions, resolutions and plans).
  • I was set free from my sin, some things, which lasted through the generations were broken.