Ministry > September 2019
September 2019 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Warm greetings from Wisla, Poland! Summer is over, we were able to rest and “catch a breath,” after a super-busy Spring (it’s a wonderful feeling!).

Faster and faster…

From August 15 the tempo increased. Travel to US. Preparations for our Annual E-Coach Conference. In house “Total Discipleship” training, (already for the 3 rd time this year) for new partners who want to launch their Internet ministry. Publications. An Outback seminar with Mack Ogren, International Director of JH Outback. Software innovations. And back to normal but at a speed we’ve never quite reached before!


Meeting with Mark Wesson and his wife Missi, well connected financial adviser that may help us with our “Connected Giving” software US distribution and strategy.


Together with Dan Ankenbrandt and his team at Aliance Ministries. Great networker connected with Half Time movement and NCF. On the right our long time “Outback friend” Bill Trick.


Our 4-day online discipleship training with the teams from Czech Republic and Ukraine


Adam – one of our trainers, leads a session on “Who is an E-coach”. Adam was saved through our online ministry.


11th annual conference…

The annual E-Coach Conference was wonderful! Over 200 volunteers participated this year, a time of spiritual stimulation, encouragement and identifying new goals. Our main speaker was Oliver Raper, European Director of Christian Vision, a Global Internet ministry active in 96 countries! We had also a wonderful time of singing praises to the Lord, led by our band “Czesc”!


Sent – Steadfast – Victorious
– the motto of this year’s conference. The main speaker was Oliver Raper from Christian Vision.



New materials…

At the conference, launched a new “daily devotions”, written by Bob Gass. We were using them for many years in our Radio CCM network, but they are now being released in multiple formats: paper brochure, e-book, daily e-mail and phone application. I found for myself that reading in the morning top quality thoughts of specially anointed writers brings a real blessing! It is also a part (just part!) of our Total Discipleship strategy. I have learned from JH Outback – to write a daily journal, after my quiet time. Now I am reading five (!) different materials, besides the Bible, it is wonderful to see how it all helps to make my day really effective! I encourage you to do this same! You do not need to start with five, of course!

There is no way I could describe in this short newsletter all our staff activities, but there is a good sense of momentum, new ideas spontaneously popping out and then tested.


New publication available for free to our contacts in the form of paper subscription, ebook, email and the app.


Our “About ministry” site now also in English! Visit to learn more about our daily ministry activities.


Friends, Thank you for your continuous friendship and involvement. We deeply appreciate it! Together, we may change the World, in the power of Holy Spirit!



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We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

August answered prayers:

  • Progress on June prayer requests
  • Wonderful Annual Conference, unity and commitment.
  • Published the first, pilot version of The Word for Today.
  • Good progress with implementing Gele 3.3.1 discipleship software.
  • New booklet promoting “small group” materials.
  • Great discussions with JH Outback Committee on the growth of the movement.
  • Summer – good rest and refreshing in the Lord.

Friends, please pray

  • New stimulation for promotion and marketing of our portfolio of discipleship materials and daily readings materials
  • Two more September Outback weekends, in our area (H2O) and East of Poland (Podkarpacie).
  • Several international trips, Henryk and Darek.
  • Finishing new “language module” for “Connected Giving” software platform by mid September, that will allow it to be used in different countries of Europe.
  • Production of Polish original multimedia courses for our Polish audience, to attract more young people.
  • Finding a good publisher for our book “Sure Foundation”.
  • Funding, to be able to grow the work.
  • The Lord’s help and mercy for a dear, close friend and mentor of mine, a man God used many times in my life, Phill Butler, who is suffering with cancer. His situation is still very serious.
  • More funding but also clear vision in unity – for our new Malinka church building. We plan to use new rooms for lot of our ministry activities.

Poland, June 2019 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

What do people look for on our websites:

  • My 22 year old sister got cancer. Terrible cancer. All the time we hope that everything will be fine. We pray for her. There was improvement but it started to weaken again. She lost a lot of weight, she doesn’t eat anything because she is vomiting all the time. Why does God allow her to suffer like this? She is so young. All life is still ahead of her. I am afraid…
    Woman 25-34
  • Should I tell my fiance about my problem with pornography? This is a very embarrassing problem, but my future wife should probably know about it … I don’t know. I am afraid that this could be an argument in the future during an argument.
    Man 25-34
  • Why should you free yourself from pornography?
    Man 15-17
  • How do I know that the path that leads me in my life is the right one? I am still looking for my place on earth and I have the impression that I am still rolling from one corner to the other.
    Woman 25-34
  • I am very weak in the fight against temptations and I would like to ask how to gain strength to fight?
    Woman 18-21