Ministry > June / July 2018
June / July 2018 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

Last month I wrote that Spring had been extremely busy for us, somehow this has continued through to July.

We are not complaining, quite the opposite! We are thrilled to see that many projects, plans and outreach we prepared in the past are now maturing into natural growth!

We must stay focused, our priorities are:

  • Evangelistic outreach via media/internet, seeing people growing in Christ every day.
  • Building software tools that help to multiply results.
  • International cooperation – learning from others, but also sharing our best practices with other countries.

The only way to manage such growth is to delegate responsibilities and get more people involved. We must also stay prudent in our finances – we want to market our professional services at a realistic price wherever possible in order to achieve self-financing. At present we are still very happy to receive some financial aid that enables us to continue our work uninterrupted.

Thank you for your involvement and prayers, Friends!

Gele 3.0 in all languages!

Our technology team has finished moving all the languages into the latest version of Gele (CODEX) 3.0. It works very well now! Many new ideas are now implemented but the development never ends. More and more international ministries are interested in using this platform!


Gele 3.0 (CODEX) is now available in 23 languages!


New CD music group “Cześć”…

The music group Cześć, (led by Filip with many of our staff members) have finally released their third CD, I think it is very good. In the first few days some 500 copies were sold. They have written all the songs. Listen to the short compilation.


The title of the new album is “Ready for change?”


ZeWatchers conference…

In early July we assisted by hosting a ZeWatchers conference in Wisla, a European professional media/art initiative that is to reach non-believers for Christ. Chantal Barry, a widow after departure of Jean Pierre, ZeWatchers founder and Eric Celerier, founder of were explaining how to increase media impact with content targeted at non-believers. We look forward to the next steps!


ZeWatchers – professionals from 20+ companies joining forces to increase the effectiveness of the ministry.


Women’s Breakfast…

At this same time there was a “Women’s Breakfast”, led this time by my wife, Bogusia, as the two other ladies usually involved could not attend (one was in plane, stacked, waiting to land!). Some 800 ladies attended, they departed happy and encouraged after 6 hours.

Also Dziegielow Gospel Week, an annual evangelistic event, gathering hundreds (thousands in the afternoon sessions) of people. We had a stand there.


800 woman, testimonies, music and delicious breakfast 🙂


US trip…

Right now I’m writing this at Frankfurt airport, returning from a short US trip to Atlanta, Charlotte and Asheville. I was meeting our partners at the Billy Graham Center and also prospective partners in the Atlanta area willing to utilize our software platform for their Christian materials. A real answer to prayer was a connection with Bobby Downes, leader of Christian Cinema, a film streaming company, who is willing to share their platform with us to stream films (with Polish translation) into Polish territory. This is crucial for us as DVDs are becoming obsolete.


With Bobby Downes, Christian Cinema leader.


Graves of Billy and Ruth Graham.


At the Billy Graham Cove center e-coach conference.


Our meeting in Atlanta, planning Internet outreach using Gele software


Bogusia and I are leaving soon for a two week vacation! I can’t remember the last time we had such a luxury! I pray the Lord will use this time to quieten us down so we can hear His “still small voice” unfolding His future plans.

Friends, we deeply appreciate your friendship! Thank you for all your prayers and standing with us, sharing common vision and the work! Yours in Him Henryk

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Prayer Praise & Requests

May answered prayers:

  • Finished CD – “Czesc 3” initiating concerts.
  • Great ZeWatchers conference in Poland.
  • Good Women’s Breakfast with 800 ladies.
  • Great, fruitful trip to the US.
  • Great team work during this very intense time for us.

Friends, please pray

  • Catching a breath” as people are now quite exhausted.
  • Building film streaming platform for Christian films.
  • Increasing our Radio audience, getting more advertisement income.
  • Seeing even more people deciding to follow the Lord as His disciples, using all available tools. Using Summer as a new opportunity.
  • Grace in getting needed financial help to be able to cover all the expenses.

Poland, June/July 2018 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some of the initial messages received from the seekers in June/July

  • How do rely on God when we’ve lost everything what we love? Woman, 25-34
  • I have enough of my life and I can’t deal with myself anymore … I’m afraid of myself. I’m afraid of everything and I don’t know how to cope with the past.. And I feel alone… Woman, 18-21
  • Is there a true religion? If there are so many different, contradictory views about God, which one really shows who He is? Man 22-24
  • How to experience God’s love? Woman, 25-34
  • Why it is easier to do evil than good? What causes that we choose the forbidden fruit much more often? Man, 35-44
  • Does God, despite such a large number of people, love people equally? Girl, 15-17