Ministry > December 2017 / January 2018
December 2017 / January 2018 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

The past year has been the busiest (for the ministry and for me) in my entire life! Watch this short memories to get the feel for what was happening. I will also briefly mention just the key items that I feel have been most significant.

1. The steady growth of our discipleship platform.

Over 159,000 people are now part of the process, mainly partners but also other groups. Over 23 500 courses were completed. 41 platforms with 322 courses in 23 languages are offered. Many testimonials of transformed lives are filmed by our video team. Hundreds of written testimonials are received.



2. Outback

Family relationship building weekends/men’s groups expansion – God’s presence experienced by hundreds of people this year, again, more than previous years, many changed lives! International expansion of the program with Polish team involved, great momentum.



3. Huge TV audience – 5.4 million

Superbook is a series of bible stories for children, developed by CBN that we have translated into Polish. A major follow-up is planned in cooperation with Catholic friends to take this into schools, as part of the religion training.



4. Good follow-up

This is our “augmented reality” Gospel of John, launched in 2016 and now being used in hundreds of schools. Harvest is happening, by trhe grace of the Lord!



5. Launch, in Polish, of “Miracle every day”

An online system of daily devotions. There is a very positive response to it, many e-mails received from readers, now we are looking to expand users.



6. Introducing in Polish “Life Explored”

A small group program, developed in Britain by the Christianity Explored group, our long term partners;



7. Sharing the Ministry model

We want to share our experiences and knowledge with others. Our model is a kind of amalgam of the best scenarios/methods of bringing people towards spiritual maturity, based on what we have learned in the past, now reworked to a package that will suit all cultures and be available worldwide to those who are interested. This will involve still a lot of work.



The office expansion

Office expansion added to our house an extra pavilion that provides workplaces for eight people from our IT department. Now the conditions of work are just GREAT! Thank you, Lord! In Wisla we have 18 people working now, full-time, and together with Radio and field ministry people there are now 53 on the staff. Bur the whole team, inclusive of unpaid e-coaches and small group leaders exceeds 300. Latest versions of two major software packages – Gele 3.0 (CODEX) and Connected Giving – are now being launched after many months of work.


New home for Radio CCM and Radio Fest


Radio CCM mission

Radio CCM network had in November the highest ever number of Sunday service audience, 48.000. Hallelujah! It has also moved to new studios and offices but still in Gliwice. 2018 will be the Radio CCM 20th. anniversary.

Last, but definitely not the least!!!!!

We have first granddaughter! She was born in September with 4 serious heart defects, but through the power of prayer, Lord’s intervention and wonderful doctors – she has beautifully recovered. She still must have a stent inserted on January 13, so please, pray for that as well – but she is home with her parents and is a source of joy to the family!

2018 plans

Expanding what works best, closing down projects that are no longer effective.

Enlarging our field team in Poland, as there is a real momentum here;

Continuing building software tools for increasing results.

Improving our video expertise and presence – a fantastic opportunity opened with five of our staff to be trained in video by top experts in January!

International sharing of our tools and know-how for accelerating spreading the gospel and making disciples


Yes, it all cost money. We believe, by God’s grace and the help of our Boards – we have created a system that is very effective and efficient. In 2018 money is needed to enlarge our field team of coordinators, (still, the majority of work is conducted by unpaid team members).

Also the renewal of our Radio Fest license for another 10 years, $120.000 / £89.550 to be paid before September 2018 – a real priority for us!

We want to help as many ministries with our software as possible. Many groups in poor countries have no money to pay the cost of servicing. We would like to find partners who are ready to pay the difference between what people can afford and a the cost of maintaining the system

Helping neighboring countries with training and spreading Today’s Discipleship model of effective, measurable follow-up process. Please, consider helping this great need and opportunity!

Yours very thankfully,

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We're deeply thankful for your partnership.

Prayer Praise & Requests

November answered prayers:

  • Amazing God’s guidance and wisdom in everything that happened in 2017

Friends, please pray

  • That we stay close to the Lord, follow his ways and focus on things that matter to Him

Poland, November 2017 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Messages from “A miracle every day” subscribers

  • It’s Tuesday morning, at 9,24. I sit on my bed with a laptop on my knees. There is snowing behind the window, but in my heart, after reading “A Miracle Every Day”, the light shines!
    What God has done through “A Miracle Every Day”?
    In the first place I’ve noticed, those words lift me up every time when I need it. They fit exactly into the situations I’m going through and bring a spark of hope, which is motivating me towards the better live, changes in my way of thinking.
    Thanks those messages I know that I’m loved, I’m needed, that God in every situation can get us out of it and send others to bring us the good news. I believe, that every day is significant and with God’s power you can do anything, fight any battle!
    Thank you for Your ministry, open heart for others. Thanks You and your support many people, like me, find the light in the tunnel and gets extra strength.
    Thank you, and I believe that the good you are sowing come to you a hundred times!
    With prayers and hugs:)
  • Just after I asked God a hard question, I’ve got an invitation to subscribe “A Miracle Every Day”. Since then every day I receive answers to all the worries and encouragement, which comforts me is all my distress.
    Now I know that God hears and through this messages wants to show me, that He is ready talk with me and lead me. From now on every day is full of miracles. Thank You for being the agent in this dialog…
    God be with You, I wish you all the grace you need,
  • Thank You God, You were looking for me and allowed me to find You anew. Thanks to “A Miracle Every Day” I’ve became a better man. I’m now more open, able to admire the beauty, help others, simply I can now love the life – I’m more happy and richer.
    Thank you for being alive. It’s great you use this way to encourage others to dialog with God. That is opening people’s eyes, ears and life.
    Thank you,
  • “A Miracle Every Day”…. this is for me a daily dose of motivation … a letter from God… like a manna from heaven for Israelites…
    Manna feeding my soul… Incredible how Holy Spirit works – the messages I read are exactly what I need in my stage of life… It’s such a comfort, such an encouragement… because God exists… and doesn’t leave His children without the help… God is speaking on so many ways…
    Thank You,
  • I’m crawling in my faith like a baby and still can’t trust fully but “A Miracle Every Day” allowed me for the first time in my life experience a real peace and teach me about the unconditional love of God. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.
    Thank You,