Ministry > August 2017
August 2017 Update

Henryk Król Co-Founder, President DeoLink

“Our prayers for you always seem to end up as a paean of praise and thanksgiving. We always thank God, the father of our Lord Jesus, when we pray for you because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love you have for all the saints …. that springs from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven … Colossians ch.1, vs3-5.

This text best explains my feelings toward you, Friend! We are to use this Epistle as the key reference for our annual e-coach conference, (Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2017) and it is now constantly on my mind. What a depth of meaning in so few words!
We are in the midst of a beautiful, busy and restful summer, with many activities, but also quality time to reflect and rest.


Our youth band, Cześć, played a number of evangelistic concerts at festivals, special gatherings & events, one of them called “Jesus Stop”, on the Polish “Woodstock” festival, that presents totally different message.


A committee preparing our annual conference that is planned for the beginning of October

US trip

Bogusia & I visited the US during July, going first to Dallas, meeting a number of friends, first, our Board member Hank Paulson and his wife Mona (with whom we stayed), then GMO (major Global Internet ministry) people with Jeff Gowler, their CEO, talking about possible cooperation, as we specialize in discipleship and, generally, it is a major challenge to many. Excellent people, we felt a “unity in the Spirit” more than ever before!We had also a wonderful lunch with Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll from Insight for Living. (I am on the Polish Board of IFL), global ministry that distributes mainly Chuck’s excellent teaching. What a privilege it was to talk to such godly people and discover how relevant their youthful spirit and attitude is to today’s challenges. We were greatly encouraged!


Together with Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll and Tom Hayes at Insight for Living.


We had also a great meeting with Justin Murff, who represents Isik Abla (ministry working with Muslims, last month I was writing more about them) and is also responsible for communications/technology at First Dallas Baptist Church. We hope our tools will be of a help to many of these Christ-centered institutions.Then we went with Bogusia to California, San Francisco and drove to the North, to the JH Ranch and Scott River Lodge. We were graciously invited to join a week-long program for married couples, at the lodge. The people there are very close to us, as we know many of them (they are the personnel behind Outback that is such a blessing in Poland!). Again, this time has exceeded our big expectations! I may only say that my love towards Bogusia, my wife, has never been as fresh and deep, all in the presence of God’s Spirit! WOW! I strongly recommend this program to other couples.


Great time of inspiration and encouragement during JH Ranch week.


Polish volunteers serving at JH Ranch

Two Polish volunteers, Lukasz and Dominik, are at the Ranch for the whole summer and their service and commitment is of a premium value! They are in training to be future leaders in Poland. Also other Polish Outback leaders, (Andrzej Pilch with his daughter Asia), were at the Ranch for a week and had a very special time.


Meeting with polish volunteers at JH Ranch


Building site update

On the Polish side, our building construction back in Wisla is progressing, getting closer to the grand finale, opening planned August 31st, 2017. Still, a lot of work to be done, but we believe the date will remain the final one! Please, pray for it with us!


Preparation for creating a terrace on the ceiling of the new building extension


On the personal note

Is our life so easy all the time? Well, there are also some challenges. Our first granddaughter is to be born in the middle of September to Stephen and Mary. What a joy and thrill! But she has been diagnosed with a serious problem, a hole between two chambers of her heart, and must have surgery as soon as she is born to have any hope of survival. You may just imagine the burden it is to her parents and all the friends who know and love them! Both parents are great Christian leaders, serving the Lord in many capacities. They are living in Salzburg, Austria. Please, join us in praying for this situation. We believe in God’s love, provision and miracles!


Our son Szczepan with wife Marysia expecting a baby.


Just now, as I am writing this text, our three kids are together hiking the Alps, a birthday gift of the brothers to their only sister, Paulina. Filip’s wife, Justyna, is staying with Mary


Our kids – Filip, Paulina and Szczepan hiking in Alps


Thank you, Friend, for being with us all the time, watching God using our small efforts to influence others. And thank you, too, for all your prayers and involvement. You are a significant part of all we do. Keep on, dear friend!

Yours very thankfully,

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Prayer Praise & Requests

July answered prayers:

  • All is prepared for a launch of Miracles Every Day, a daily newsletter from Eric Celerier, in Polish language, to be started September 1st.
  • Good progress on the building sites, in Wisla and Gliwice
  • Unity and spirit of love among staff.
  • Great, fruitful trip to the States
  • Good progress on the software development work

Friends, please pray

  • Polish launch of “Miracles every day”, (a daily newsletter) now planned September 1.
  • A new production of Paul Trip, an American marriage counselor – films for married couples
  • Launching of Gele (CODEX) 3.0 software platform. Special strength for Tomek who is so tired after working 6 years on this project. The current dead-line is August 23rd.
  • One more Outback weekend, in September, that many couples will be reconciled with each other and the Lord, Sept. 15-17, 2017.
  • Many more e-coaches needed, as the work is growing.
  • Helping training e-coaches for Isik Abla ministry in the USA.
  • Writing our book (an extensive family history), that if will bring glory to Jesus and inspire many believers. Now it is switching into my priorities. We pray also for finding the very best editor for this book, in the US or England.
  • Radio site move to new offices in Gliwice, planned August 15, 2017.
  • Our building project, extension – new office pavilion in Wisla attached to our house.
  • projects in Hungary and Romania where we want to assist, as much as we can.
  • More financial resources to keep the work growing. There is a wonderful momentum we see, but “fuel” is needed to keep things moving forward! Please, pray for it with us.

July 2017 in numbers:


people starting their journey to Jesus


people growing in their faith


conversations with E-coaches

Some of the initial messages received last month from seekers

  • Hi. For the last year I’ve started looking for God but I’ve noticed that it doesn’t make me happier – it’s opposite. I don’t know what to do now… I feel depressed. The more I look for God the more my life gets complicated. I’m afraid that I will abandon God and I will choose my former life – without faith…
    Woman, 25-34
  • How can I be freed from pornography when I don’t have strong will?
    Man, 25-34
  • Hi, I’m quite a new believer, I’ve dedicated my life to Jesus 1,5 years ago, I meet other believers, read Bible everyday but I don’t feel God’s presence. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong? How can I deepen my faith to be closer to Him? I’m in difficult time in my life, how can I hear his guidance and his voice?
    Woman, 35-44
  • Does it make sense to fall in love in the age of 14?
    Girl, 12-14